
Make Yourself Look Great in Photos

If you have finally decided on a professional photo shoot, it is best to be prepared in advance, so you do not think about what needed a good sleep to avoid dark circles under the eyes, etc. This article will be useful for both beginner models and professional. How to prepare? Follow our step by step instructions.

1. Sleep. Before shooting it is not recommended to partying in Nightclubs, drinking alcohol, and generally drink a lot of fluids is not recommended, it can lead to swelling, your look will be tired and weary.
2. Think about the images in which you will be filming. Choose appropriate clothing, footwear and accessories. Well, if the outfits will be few. Usually take simply, romantic and casual styles.
3. Try to pick plain clothes, colorful outfits in bright colours not suitable for this. The black color makes the figure in the photo is flat, so don't go overboard with it.
4. Take at least two pairs of shoes of different colors. I advise you to pick shoes to each outfit. At least one pair of the shoes must be high heels.
5. Don't limit yourself in accessories. Take literally everything you have: shawls, scarves, gloves, umbrella, and beads jewelry. The photo will come out much brighter and more expressive.
6. Pay special attention to the makeup that you put on with the tools from cheap makeup storage, even if you are not going to do a portrait. Use the services of a professional makeup artist. If this is not possible, apply makeup independently.
7. Pay special attention to the eyes, make them more expressive. Don't be afraid to overdo it, normally the camera "eats" makeup, so it is better to make it brighter.

8. Before the photo session, visit the hairdresser, and ask for a wonderful hairstyle. Or you could make it on your own with the cheap hair styling tools.

