
Foot Care in Summer

Summer is coming, and your feet require special care. Before doing that, you need to know how to properly care for your feet and what to do, so they do not sweat and be healthy.

To get rid of athlete's foot. More precisely, from bad breath. Try to change shoes. To do this, purchase 2 pairs of shoes. Of course, not everyone will be able to afford it, so it is enough just to wash the shoes every day. If you walk in sneakers, socks and insoles need to be changed as often as possible. For example, the insole can be changed every three days, and socks daily. And there is rechargeable foot warmer that could help you with the tired feet at night.

Do a pedicure with the electric dead skin remover. It is as important as manicure. Under the nails clogged with dirt and dust, and if there is some kind of wound, it can get bacteria, so the infection.

Use different deodorants for the feet, they will help some time not to sweat them. By the way, from sweating also helps talc or baby powder.

Do not wear tight shoes. From her your feet even more tired and the more you sweat. If you are at work, the smell will amaze everyone around and this is extremely unpleasant.

If you are taking public baths or baths, wear their own slates. The fact is that it's easier to catch a fungal infection.

Why is it so important? Unpleasant odor is due to dust and dirt which absorb your feet, plus they sweat and bacteria just love that atmosphere. They breed in warm and wet places.

So if you will not caring for your feet, get ready for a possible appearance of the fungus. This cannot be allowed, first of all, your Pets can catch from you, and secondly, the fungus is more difficult to withdraw.

Effective foot care at home? Of course – Yes. Moreover, home all can be done. If you don't know how to do a pedicure, then, of course, you can turn to professionals, at the same time and get a massage with magnetic foot massager and mask for the feet. Baths can be done from various herbs. They are sold in the pharmacy, and quite inexpensive.

As you can see, caring for your feet is not too difficult. Do the night bath. Every day you can do a completely different bath, the Internet, a lot of good recipes, wash your shoes, follow the tips and you will forget about problems with the feet!

