
Tattoo with Words

One of the types of tattoo are lettering, English tattoo other foreign languages are also popular. Now lettering for tattoos generally carry a deep meaning. It is noticed that people who put English tattoo, choose it the motto of his life, so their choice should be approached very meticulously and to weigh and to consider.

It is worth noting that tattoos with words attracted by its glamor and deep meaning of the inscription. Beautiful English letters for tattoos look very harmoniously. They emphasize the originality and uniqueness is the owner of such tattoo.

It is worth to warn many people willing to do a tattoo with words. They need to know the translation of the phrase and it is best to order English lettering tattoo translation. This will help to eliminate the option to get your tattoo in a bad situation.

If you are going to get a tattoo with words, you first need to know its translation. By the way, almost all the major salons offer customers, who decided to adorn her with the inscription, see the catalog, which presents tattoo lettering with the translation. English letters for tattoos can be designed in different fonts and techniques. But the choice should be approached carefully. For example, philosophical texts make no sense to choose highly intricate and ornate fonts. Everything should be when applied to their fullest tattoo and then the tattoo with words translation will look perfect. The same can be said about the place where will be made the inscription with words, tattoo, photo of the native person. Into place affect the text size, font, and so on.

Tattoo with words in most cases, choosing girls, but men are no exception. Most often, tattoo lettering with the English translation applied to the hands or forearm. Sometimes such tattoo lettering with words are accompanied with thematic drawings and look good. Men have it very hard and catchphrases, and women, this gentle phrase.


Choose the Clothes for Fitness

1. Choose clothing for fitness with the men’s sports headband, focusing on maximum comfort and reliability. It should not hamper even the most complex movements. Moreover, your sports uniform is required to pass air, allowing the skin to breathe, preventing moisture evaporation. The suit material for training must be able to withstand frequent washing. To practice a well-suited and men’s body shaper vest, and breeches, and trousers, as well as various short shirts and tops with bright saturated colors. If you're still experiencing some tightness about the large size, you still get sweatpants and a tight t-shirt of the recommended materials.

2. When buying a suit, keep in mind that 100% cotton, linen and rayon garments soak through much sweat, rumpled, long time to dry and lose its shape. Therefore, manufacturers of fitness wear offer models consisting of fibers which are the raw material for petroleum products. They are either with the addition of vegetable fibers, with or without them.

3. Make your choice on the sport clothes with elastane or polyurethane. It is thin and elastic fiber improves the properties of natural fabrics. Suit for fitness in this fabric resistant to sea water, sunlight, and retains its original shape and ready to frequent washings.

5. Buying clothes from fabric supplex, you will receive soft and durable sports kit. Along with nylon, this fabric is often used for the manufacture of sportswear. It has all the properties required for workouts of any intensity.

6. Pay attention to the seams of the product. They should be flat and smooth to the touch.

7. Pay special attention to the style of your sports attire. Choose tight-fitting revealing clothes, which is much preferable to free the hoodies. It does not hinder movement. If the size is chosen correctly, you will not feel it. Gyms in revealing clothing is simply necessary, as it allows you to monitor the work of muscles and to control the flow of the workout.


What Are Wigs

Natural hair wigs are selected by people who are fussier with the wigs on the wig holder. They should not be damaged by chemicals or painted. And those natural hair wigs are cut into wonderful hairstyle for the one who need it. This wig could breathe, so that it won’t make your head sweat and itch somehow. Today, as far as I am concerned, it is the best of all possible available on the market.

There are also wigs made of synthetics, which is cheaper and common than the natural hair one. Although you might feel hot and uncomfortable in the scorcher, there are undeniable advantages – they never tangle so much and they look like real hair, shiny and healthy. And there are more trendy wigs, which is made of synthetics, for you to choose. Also they are inexpensive compared to wigs made of natural hair.

The price of the different wigs is totally depended on the production process. If the wig was made by hand, it will look neat and more natural, but, of course, the cost of it also increases. Factory production also produces a less beautiful model, but due to mass the price will be the budget. Here is the cheap Kanekalon hair.

To remember that, no matter how the wig looks, what matters the most is its owner, since the wig need to be taken good care of by its owner. Even if you have enough money only for the cheapest option, don't be disheartened, just be yourself and no one will notice this annoying flaw.

5 Mistakes of Applying False Eyelashes

To make you look more beautiful, it could be better that you pay more attention to the eyes’ makeup with 252 palette, applying the false eyelashes and taking care of your eyes with heated eye mask. Although false eyelashes give us a more dramatic look, we can also make it worse if we are not careful to apply the false eyelashes. There are some things to put false eyelashes you should avoid at all costs. Although it is clear that makeups start from any of these mistakes, because nobody is born with professional knowledge about false eyelashes and care, it is important that you know the mistakes so as far as possible try to avoid them.

1. Stick the false eyelashes immediately after placing the glue.
What a mistake! There is nothing worse to properly glue the professional false eyelashes not wait a few seconds for the glue to get a little harder and sticky, so that you can easily adhere to the place you want. So wait at least 30 seconds after putting glue the tabs to stick.

2. Leave false eyelashes higher above the natural lash line.
To give effect may not professional but very neat, clean and beautiful we place our false eyelashes as close to the line of our eyelashes to us possible. Otherwise, anyone will notice this error and would be embarrassing.

3. Forget to adjust false eyelashes to fit the size of your eyes.
Do not think that false eyelashes are made to fit the size of your eyes completely. These should be trimmed just a little tip to fit your eye and do not remain longer. While very few lucky ones who do not need to cut them, it is best to measure it before gluing eyelashes with your eyes to see if they need adjustments or will go well. Note that this will help to make your eyes do not look down or look too false lashes.

4. Apply mascara to the eyelashes after being stuck.
Doing so can not only wasted your time, but also be problematic when it comes to remove them: not only have to unstuck from your eyelid, will also have to be careful not to pull and start your natural lashes . While many people do it and reuse these and bring the occasional lump if you are not careful you can make you look sloppy.

5. Pull the tabs in the trash after a single use
Come on! If your false eyelashes are in good condition, there is no reason to throw it away after only using one time. You can use a couple of times always taking care to clean them and did not lose their shape or their hairs and especially taking care of you when you come back to use you make sure you do not carry residues of glue that can be seen. 


How to Dilute Essential Oil

Essential oils are used extensively in aromatherapy. As taking a comfortable bath, many of us would love to add five or six drops of essential oil in the water in order to achieve maximum soothing effect. To dissolve the essential oil in the water, you must follow a few simple rules that will ensure you a pleasant feeling from the bath.

1. Fill the tub with lukewarm water completely with the aromatherapy shower head, and then drip five to six drops of essential oil and stir well. Make sure that the oil is completely dissolved in the lukewarm water. And do not add oil until the tub is completely filled - in this case, all the oil might evaporate with steam from the warm water.

2. If essential oil could not be mixed well in water, you can drip the required amount of oil in a teaspoon of neutral vegetable oil that is also good for your body at first before you add the oil into the water. As the choice of neutral oil, you could use sweet almond oil, avocado, or jojoba seed oil also. Thereafter, the mixture should be carefully poured into the bath and mixed thoroughly.

3. Most preferred is to use a neutral oil bath without unnecessary impurities and odor. If you have sensitive skin, or added essential oils are very strong, use fewer essential oils, for example, one or two drops instead of six drops. It will be better to choose the one with aroma you love. As far as I am concerned, the aromatherapy lavender essential oils are really wonderful for the bath.

4. If you dilute the oil for external use only dilute one or two drops of essential oil. If you use the solution of the essential oil rinse, don't swallow and or melt the oil in a large amount of water.


How to Make Your Face Look Prettier

However, if you postpone this matter indefinitely, it's possible that then it will be too late to change anything. So, if you decide to strengthen the muscles around the mouth and get rid of the first wrinkles in this area, you will need the following exercise. Relax all the muscles of the face (and whole body), and then slowly, tensely pulling lips into a tube, as for the sounds "o" or "u", and then expand them as widely as possible. This exercise should be repeated 5-7 times. To your cheeks become ruddy and elastic need from time to time to carry out the following procedure.

Relax the muscles in your cheeks and then try to pull the corners of the mouth as far as possible in one direction and then in the other side, fixing each pic for 5 seconds. Those who dream to have their neck and chin did not give age, and just look beautiful, should try to tilt your head back, straining the neck muscles as much as possible. The shoulders should drop down. Stay in this position is recommended for a few seconds, and then relax.

Get rid of wrinkles on your forehead will help exercise that you can do not only at work, but even in public transport. You should put your palms on the forehead, and the fingers should reach the hairline. Then I close my eyes and within 5-10 seconds, rotate the pupils. There is the face shaping mask from the cheap face lift that could help you. If you notice that your eyelids become flaccid, 5-10 seconds should put pads wrinkle area (the effect will be much better if you lift the skin up a bit) and close your eyes. Then relax all the muscles and give them some rest.


Perfect Color of Lipstick You Choose

1. Lipstick color selection depends on many factors. When selecting a color, take a cue from your skin tone, colors of your eyes and hair, as well as the general type of appearance. For example, girls, who have the natural dark lips, should better choose deep and rich color of the lipstick. Blondes with fair skin will be better to have a try on a very light, translucent lipstick. Olive skin tones will look great with the lipstick in warm red and deep wine color.

2. Take a cue from your style. Elegant women should avoid too bright and pearlescent lipsticks from lipstick case holder. The best choices for them might be pink and red. Young girls should have a try on the colors which are mild, and there are more choices for them. A variety of natural colors - from light beige to golden or coffee, would also be wonderful. Wine color lipstick can accentuate the yellowness of teeth. If your smile is not perfect, prefer tools of soft red or peach flowers.

3. The color choice of lipstick depends on the time of day. For day, choose calm tones of medium intensity coral, light red, pinkish-purple, beige. In the evening you can try out spectacular range of wine and glaringly red and deep dark shades. Impressive look and a bright lipstick with a pearl shine - they are especially beautiful in combination with bright eye makeup.

4. Shade of lipstick depends on its texture. Choosing a product for the lips, you should try it on your hand at first. Translucent or pearl lipstick will look lighter than in the tube. Matte also means, conversely, may be more dense and saturated.


Foot Care in Summer

Summer is coming, and your feet require special care. Before doing that, you need to know how to properly care for your feet and what to do, so they do not sweat and be healthy.

To get rid of athlete's foot. More precisely, from bad breath. Try to change shoes. To do this, purchase 2 pairs of shoes. Of course, not everyone will be able to afford it, so it is enough just to wash the shoes every day. If you walk in sneakers, socks and insoles need to be changed as often as possible. For example, the insole can be changed every three days, and socks daily. And there is rechargeable foot warmer that could help you with the tired feet at night.

Do a pedicure with the electric dead skin remover. It is as important as manicure. Under the nails clogged with dirt and dust, and if there is some kind of wound, it can get bacteria, so the infection.

Use different deodorants for the feet, they will help some time not to sweat them. By the way, from sweating also helps talc or baby powder.

Do not wear tight shoes. From her your feet even more tired and the more you sweat. If you are at work, the smell will amaze everyone around and this is extremely unpleasant.

If you are taking public baths or baths, wear their own slates. The fact is that it's easier to catch a fungal infection.

Why is it so important? Unpleasant odor is due to dust and dirt which absorb your feet, plus they sweat and bacteria just love that atmosphere. They breed in warm and wet places.

So if you will not caring for your feet, get ready for a possible appearance of the fungus. This cannot be allowed, first of all, your Pets can catch from you, and secondly, the fungus is more difficult to withdraw.

Effective foot care at home? Of course – Yes. Moreover, home all can be done. If you don't know how to do a pedicure, then, of course, you can turn to professionals, at the same time and get a massage with magnetic foot massager and mask for the feet. Baths can be done from various herbs. They are sold in the pharmacy, and quite inexpensive.

As you can see, caring for your feet is not too difficult. Do the night bath. Every day you can do a completely different bath, the Internet, a lot of good recipes, wash your shoes, follow the tips and you will forget about problems with the feet!


How to Make Tattoo at Home

1. Before deciding to make a tattoo at home, you need to fully know about everything about the tattoo. Tattooing can be divided into three parts: preliminary preparation, the actual tattooing and post-traumatic rehabilitation of the skin.
2. As for the preparation, it is necessary to select the picture or pattern that you determine, the color of the ink you are going to use and its exact position. Remember that a tattoo that is made by using necklace tattoo machine is permanent.
3. Objectively evaluate the professionalism of the tattoo artist. It is better to tattoo at home on a less visible area of skin, since there is still a chance that you might mess up with this.
4. The next task is preparation of tools and materials. Quality is the main criterion for the selection of tattoo machines and pigments for tattooing. Don't forget disposable needles and caps. Be sure to check for any allergies to the paint.
5. To decide if you are going to use anesthesia. Decide whether you will follow the rule that beauty requires sacrifices, or get an anesthetic spray.
6. As the alcohol – it is strongly forbidden. When consuming alcohol, the vessels dilate, and the blood will be more intensive, which might lead to the low quality of the tattoo you make.

7. The tattooing could be done with simple steps. Skin preparation: the selected area you must remove the hair, degrease and disinfect with an antiseptic, such as hydrogen peroxide. Drawing: you can draw a helium handle right on the body, but if the drawing is complex, you can use transfer paper and pencils. The actual execution of the tattoo with the tattoo machine will be the most important part. What you have to do after you make a tattoo: the removal of droplets of blood and applying anti-inflammatory compress.

How and How Long You Should Keep Your Makeup

You might be good at putting on the makeup, but do you really know about how to keep your makeup? How to store makeup so that it doesn't cause harm to our skin and health? There are a few simple rules of storage of cosmetics, everyone should know.

The shelf life of lipstick can be up to 18 months, in that case, if you store lipstick in the refrigerator, at a temperature about 5 degrees.

Cosmetic pencils also can be stored up to 18 months at room temperature in the lockable cosmetic case, but make sure that the cosmetic pencils far away from lights.

Leopard mascara can be stored up to six months, as long as you keep it away from hot lamps and batteries. Compact powder should not be stored for more than 24 months, and it’s also important to keep distance from sources of light and batteries.

Tone cream is best to keep in the fridge, and to keep it longer than one year is inappropriate. The same rule to some makeups, such as tonics, scrubs and creams.

Do not freeze cosmetics at low temperatures, or they will become useless.

The short shelf life of the mascara is about six month. And if you keep mascara more than half a year, it might lead redness of the eyelids and lead to inflammatory processes.

If the lipstick has a very unpleasant odor, this lipstick should immediately be thrown away.

Eyeshadow blush lip palette, are divided into liquid and dry. Liquid shadows are deteriorating after about a year and a half. The dry shelf life is about three years.

Unopened bottle of perfume can be stored for 2 years. If the bottle is printed, you should not keep it more than two years. Perfume should not be left near sources of light and heating.

Knowing how and where to store cosmetics, you can avoid many troubles, as worn cosmetics can cause considerable harm to the beauty and health.


Dead Skin on the Heels: How to Remove?

You have dry, flaky skin on your feet? If you live in a place where the skin dries quickly, try this recipe. The secret to smooth and sexy legs in supporting their health is to remove the dead skin on your heels. If your heels a lot of dry and dead skin, use some tools such as electric cuticle remover, to exfoliate the skin, and it will again be like a baby. And here is the common method that I want to show you.

1. First pour into a large container of warm, not hot water and add a full cup of salts. Salt you can buy in any pharmacy. Allow salt to dissolve before lowering the legs to liquid. When the salt has dissolved, place your feet in the tub, let soak salt into the skin within half an hour.

2. Remove feet from the bath after 30 minutes. Gently massage into the skin on your feet with a toothbrush to remove any dead, dry skin. It will take some time. The skin should easily be removed. Rinse feet with water and towel dry.

3. Once you have removed the excess dry skin, take a sanding nail file for pedicure and gently go back and forth on the areas that are hardened. Or you could use the electric foot exfoliator to pull off this step. Keep doing this until you feel that your heels become smooth. Again rinse feet and dry with towel.

4. Once you have done all the steps described above, take the vitamin E oil and apply on problem areas or all over the leg. Wear socks to keep the oil on the skin. Repeat this process at least five days. Please note that the tool should be the vitamin E oil, not cream. Capsules with vitamin you will also find in a pharmacy. 


Fashion White Wig

The wig is quite ancient accessory that appeared when there was a civilization. If before the white wig was the attribute of power, now it is an accessory, which is used by stars of show business and actors. However, many women also wear wigs, and the reasons for its use can be very different. In general, most people would prefer the long brown hair wig or long orange wig, instead of white wig.

European women in the old days loved to wear bright wigs, which in those days were made of real hair of barbarian slave-girls, and these wigs were very valuable. In XIV – XVIII centuries in the Royal courts became fashionable to wear a wig. But Queen Elizabeth I wore a white curly wig that was harvested in bulk hair to hide the gray hair and baldness. XVII century, as it is called, gallant, characterized in that the powdered wigs. This fashion introduced the French king. But at the end of the EIGHTEENTH century came new thinking, and wigs stopped powdering.

To have a wig very convenient, because at any moment you can put it on, and create a new fashion image. For example, if you are the owner of dark hair, it is not necessary to be recoloured and exposing your hair to severe stress, enough to buy white long or short wig. But if you have long hair, but you are not sure whether you will like a short haircut, you some time to wear white short wig that will help you make the right decision.

The girl in the white wig natural hair long will look very feminine and stylish, especially if you wear this accessory to a black mink coat. Well, if this summer you want to create the image of glamorous ladies, you are perfect white wig medium length stacked light waves in the style of the 80s.

Today there is a huge selection of wigs, made of synthetic and natural hair, different length and color. We offer you the images created by using a white wig.


Make Yourself Look Great in Photos

If you have finally decided on a professional photo shoot, it is best to be prepared in advance, so you do not think about what needed a good sleep to avoid dark circles under the eyes, etc. This article will be useful for both beginner models and professional. How to prepare? Follow our step by step instructions.

1. Sleep. Before shooting it is not recommended to partying in Nightclubs, drinking alcohol, and generally drink a lot of fluids is not recommended, it can lead to swelling, your look will be tired and weary.
2. Think about the images in which you will be filming. Choose appropriate clothing, footwear and accessories. Well, if the outfits will be few. Usually take simply, romantic and casual styles.
3. Try to pick plain clothes, colorful outfits in bright colours not suitable for this. The black color makes the figure in the photo is flat, so don't go overboard with it.
4. Take at least two pairs of shoes of different colors. I advise you to pick shoes to each outfit. At least one pair of the shoes must be high heels.
5. Don't limit yourself in accessories. Take literally everything you have: shawls, scarves, gloves, umbrella, and beads jewelry. The photo will come out much brighter and more expressive.
6. Pay special attention to the makeup that you put on with the tools from cheap makeup storage, even if you are not going to do a portrait. Use the services of a professional makeup artist. If this is not possible, apply makeup independently.
7. Pay special attention to the eyes, make them more expressive. Don't be afraid to overdo it, normally the camera "eats" makeup, so it is better to make it brighter.

8. Before the photo session, visit the hairdresser, and ask for a wonderful hairstyle. Or you could make it on your own with the cheap hair styling tools.

How to Make the Hip Look Perfect

Anatomically the buttocks consist of three muscles – large, medium and small. Large gluteal muscles are the largest of them, and one of the most powerful muscles in our body. The hip massager and the buttock cream might have some help to make your hip look better, but the exercises are inevitable. Prolonged sedentary lifestyle and low level of physical activity often cause the muscles of the gluteal start to weaken, atrophy and lose its former appearance.

Split squats. This exercise is one of my favorites. To run it, you need a low step or platform that could be some normal boxes from under the shoes. Put your right foot on the platform and perform a normal squat, then, returning to the original position, do the squat with the other leg. This will be one repetition. Do two sets of 25 – 30 repetitions. To reinforce the emphasis on the buttocks, adjust the distance to the platform and its height.

Deadlift with dumbbells. Of course, the classic implementation of this exercise involves the use of barbells, but in the home you can replace it with a pair of dumbbells. Deadlift – just gorgeous on the effectiveness of exercise directed at the quadriceps, inner thighs, calves, and helps you make beautiful buttocks. 


Better Look: Trim Your Nose Hair

There are different kinds of tools that could help you, for example, the facial scissors. The facial scissors has rounded tip, which is specifically designed to trim your nose hair safely. The blades are curved to cut away from your vulnerable skin as you are going to cut only the hair you want to cut. This is easy to use anyway. Try to avoid using the one with sharp tip, which might be a catastrophe.

However, there is a rechargeable nose hair trimmer for most of you, which could make your work lots of easier. This one is so amazing that you will be surprised anyway. Open the cap of this removal, and you could see the stainless steel head which is designed to trim your nose hair. As you could see, there is a switch to push, and there is a battery cover at the bottom, which is also means that this one works with batteries.

Now you got this incredible nose hair removal, and you found this removal kind of useful. But you should know that you have to clean it after every time you use it. Before the cleansing, you have to shut it down. Take down the stainless steel head and use the brush to clean it.


Useful Recommendations for Nail Care

Of course, in the first place it is necessary to protect and to treat them with attention. Our hands are very delicate and constantly exposed to the adverse effects of many external factors. Hard water, detergents, wind, cold, or excessively dry air - all this does not add health nor the skin of hands and nails. To avoid delamination and fragility of nails is not so difficult. It helps to use rubber gloves when washing dishes or other household jobs, and in cold or windy time of the year to protect the hands, with ordinary gloves or mittens. Also, before going outside not be amiss to apply a moisturizing cream, not only on the skin but on the nail plate, thereby creating a protective film and soften the cuticle. Almost any modern cream without problems fit in my purse and if necessary he will always be at hand.

We are talking about the various baths and masks - for example, through lemon juice, olive oil or sea salt. Contrary to popular belief, these substances are not corrosive to the skin and structure of the nails and much strengthen them.

Ending the conversation on how to properly care for the nails, and it should be noted that a harmonious and finished look gives the nails well-inflicted manicure. Those are mistaken who think that manicure is just applying one or two coats of varnish. It is very important to file the nail plate. For this purpose it is necessary not only to choose the right nail file, but not to drive her back and forth, making movement in one direction. In any case, we should not forget about the cuticles before the application of the bath it is best to rehydrate, then remove with the help of special manicure stick. And the varnish, it is desirable to apply special protective basis. And, of course, the appearance of the manicure is very highly dependent on the quality of varnish.