
Trim Your Foot Nails

If your nails become dry or too soft, took dark or yellow, then salt or lemon juice. Type in a suitable container of hot water and add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or 100 grams of salt per liter of water. Such baths will help your nails to acquire the normal color and healthy appearance, and therefore confidence. After that, take a pumice stone, feet dead skin removal or the electric feet cuticles remover to remove the layer of dead skin. Wipe with a dry towel feet and apply a nourishing cream, and then fat. After such baths your feet will be soft and smooth.

Toenails should be cut straight, not at the root. Do not cut corners at the edges. Best file them with nail file, starting from the edge moving to the center, otherwise the nail will crumble. Do not use metal nail files, take a nail file for nail polishing.

If you still got an ingrown toenail, a bath of chamomile. First you need to brew chamomile tea: 2 quarts water 6 tablespoons dry chamomile, pour boiling water and leave for an hour. After that, strain the infusion and warm, but not boiling. In warm infusion lower legs for 20 minutes, then peel off the ingrown toenail and place cotton wool soaked in iodine. The optimal length for a nail – when the nail does not reach the edge of the finger. 

