
Dry Your Nail Polish in Faster Way

I've heard many women complain about the time they spend on waiting for the nail polish to dry. Disregarding the flip side of the comment, it is certainly frustrating that after you a manicure, your nails are perfectly painted, and you have to wait for the paint to dry completely more than couple minutes, or your nail art design might be ruined by unconscious movement. If this has ever happened to you or many times, pay attention to this post, because we will give you some amazing hacks that will accelerate the drying process.

In case you did not know, shiny nail art dries completely when exposed to low temperatures. When finished painting them, you should wait a couple of minutes, and then quickly dipped your hands in a bowl of water with some ice cubes, as making sure that your nails do not touch each other or with the edges of the container. Now leave your nails in the ice cold water for about 2 or 3 minutes and then remove them. Let them dry naturally without rubbing with towels or paper.

The nail polish dryer fan would also be a wonderful choice, since this one could also dry your nail faster than you could imagine. As the dryer fan could also cool the nail polish, so it could make the nail art design dries more quickly.

As already mentioned, nails dry faster at low temperatures, so use the method of freezing to shelve the spend hours blowing. Just put your hands in the freezer for a few minutes.

Soaping hands and nails well after two minutes of finished paint, rinsed to perfection and then dry off gently with a soft towel. It’s also a wonderful idea you could have a try.


Temporary Tattoo is Gorgeous

Tattoos are widespread today because they have been commonly accepted by most of society. However, there are profound differences between temporary tattoos, like gothic arm tattoos, and normal tattoos. Temporary tattoos come from crushed vegetable plants and are usually red or black color (if it is applied to an external variant). Its main feature is that they are completely temporary and disappear after 10-15 days skin.

They also differ from normal tattoos because they are completely painless, as it is not performed through an incision in the skin with needles from tattoo gun and ink kits, but with a brush that ejects in onto the skin. Are the characteristics of the ink which allow their temporary adhesion?

Normal tattoos are applied by inkjet different compositions. Unlike angel design tattoo, those ink tattoos are permanent and can only be removed by laser operations. Normal tattoos are characterized by painful depending on the time of exposure to the needle and the area to be tattooed. However, the creative possibilities are endless, always in relation to the skill of the tattooist.

In a matter of allergies and reactions, henna tattoos are more prone to harmful and negative reactions in the skin, while normal tattoos very few exceptions cause allergic reactions. Temporary tattoos are designs that mimic painted henna tattoos real or that can be easily transferred to the skin and keep it on for a few days or weeks. The advantage of temporary tattoos is that they are safe, they look beautiful and cheap. Their "plus" is that the pattern can be easily reduced and replaced. The process of applying a transfer tattoos are usually very simple, and the power of even a child.


Trim Your Foot Nails

If your nails become dry or too soft, took dark or yellow, then salt or lemon juice. Type in a suitable container of hot water and add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or 100 grams of salt per liter of water. Such baths will help your nails to acquire the normal color and healthy appearance, and therefore confidence. After that, take a pumice stone, feet dead skin removal or the electric feet cuticles remover to remove the layer of dead skin. Wipe with a dry towel feet and apply a nourishing cream, and then fat. After such baths your feet will be soft and smooth.

Toenails should be cut straight, not at the root. Do not cut corners at the edges. Best file them with nail file, starting from the edge moving to the center, otherwise the nail will crumble. Do not use metal nail files, take a nail file for nail polishing.

If you still got an ingrown toenail, a bath of chamomile. First you need to brew chamomile tea: 2 quarts water 6 tablespoons dry chamomile, pour boiling water and leave for an hour. After that, strain the infusion and warm, but not boiling. In warm infusion lower legs for 20 minutes, then peel off the ingrown toenail and place cotton wool soaked in iodine. The optimal length for a nail – when the nail does not reach the edge of the finger. 


How to Get Rid of Leg Fatigue

When standing by the end of the day the legs can ache so much that a person becomes hard to walk. However, the problem is not only unpleasant sensations, but that the result can be a serious disease, such as thrombophlebitis or varicose veins, so the sooner you take action, the better.

First, let's worry about that your legs less tired. To do this, you should regularly perform special exercises, wearing only comfortable shoes, make use of orthopedic insoles and other similar products like the anti-fatigue compression socks. This will help prevent the development of diseases and to reduce discomfort after the end of the day.

If your feet are very tired, they must rest: it is desirable to lie down, while their feet were elevated, as this will increase blood flow and can help to relieve the pain. The best option is just to put a pillow under your feet. It is advisable not to throw one leg to another – this will prevent free blood circulation. If you have varicose veins or other serious illness, be sure to use special medicines prescribed by your doctor.

After resting 20-30 minutes, take a foot bath. You can use a decoction of Linden, chamomile, horsetail or plantain – buy dry herbs at the pharmacy. Well, if you add some sea salt. The water temperature should not exceed 37 ° Celsius. Average duration of procedure for about 10-15 minutes. By the way, this will help not only to ease the discomfort, but also to simplify the pedicure and foot care with wooden foot roller.

Another great option is a foot massage, especially if you do it after baths, both regular and contrast. Apply a skin cream to relieve fatigue and massage whole foot at first, then every finger separately, then move on to the ankles. Please note: people with varicose veins is not recommended to resort to this method of solution is a better combination of baths with special medicated ointment.


Get the Trendy Hair Bun

1. Well comb hair or straighten it with electric hair straightener, so it is smooth to touch. The hair bun will look neater and will be a better place to stay, if that day you didn't wash hair.

2. Gather hair in a high or low ponytail, depending on which hair bun you want to do. Or seal it with hair bun band. It would be better if you are able thrice to wrap the tail with a rubber band. When you wrap the second time, pull the ponytail halfway through the elastic band and the third time wrap an elastic band around this smaller tail.
3. Pull the tail tight so that it was fluffed up. If you still have loose ends, nothing to worry about. You grind the second rubber band. You should now have a little bundle of hair.

4. Take second elastic and wrap it around the bun, giving it the shape of the knot. Again tighten the rubber band around the tail. If the individual cannot loose ends to tuck under the elastic band, fixing with Bobby pins.

5. The upper part of the tail-node of the pin invisible to the head. Do the same with the bottom part. Spray the knot with hairspray to longer retain its shape.


Masks for Oily Skin

Oily skin causes their owners many problems and unpleasant experiences. This kind of skin could cause pimples, and acne, and permanent greasy look. All these problems surely lead to the bad mood anyway. So to fight against these unpleasant situations must be one of the tasks that you should have to achieve a healthy lifestyle. First of all it is necessary to restore and purify your skin, and then to heal the skin will be much easier. As to do so, the mask will be the integrate part of the cares.

As for the cleaning mask, I highly recommend you this one, mung bean mask, which could not only whiten your face but also moisturize it. As far as I am concerned, the cleaning would be the most important step again the oily skin.

Yeast mask against oily skin. As for its preparation, you will need 10 grams of yeast, a teaspoon of juice of any berries and yogurt. All the ingredients should mix well. The mask must be thick to stay on the face. It could be applied on the face for 15 minutes. During this time she needs to dry out, after which it can be washed off.

Helps from apples. Face mask for oily skin on the basis of apples cooking is very simple. A few small fruits, you must grate and mix with egg (pre-whipped). The paste is spread on the face and neck for about 20 minutes.

Vegetables and fruits will help well not only for eating but also the mask. Based on fresh fruits and vegetables, you could make excellent cleansing mask for oily skin. For her, you can use any fresh juice available at hand. It is mixed with beaten egg whites. For variety each time you can use another juice or several.

Herbal mask is the mask you should have. It has anti-inflammatory effect, which is a must of oily skin. This one you could get from the online, since the MEI KING herbal mask does work so well.


Treatment for Your Ankle

Fracture of the ankle is divided into several categories. The method of treatment depending on the type of fracture and can be both conservative and operative, as well as stationary. If you suspect that you sustained a fracture, which may manifest itself in the form of sharp or dull pain, swelling, redness, immediately consult a doctor-traumatologist. Depend on different situation, you could choose different methods, include magnetic posture corrector.

1. You will take x-rays and put a cast. But this is only works in the case that the fracture has no offset and in the injured place a crack.

2. Gypsum can be imposed only on the fracture, but most often imposed so-called boot when the toes are free and the site of the fracture and is fixed tight above the cast. Immediately after the imposition of the lock you will be controlling an x-ray as the joints at the ankle susceptible to bias. The outpatient treatment will appoint, and it can last from 6 to 12 weeks depending on the fracture. That is, the more cracks or fractures, the longer have to wear a cast.

3. If the dislocation is accompanied by fracture, before applying the fixing plaster will produce reduction of dislocation. This is done with the help of the surgeon's hands, without using any tools. Reposition is performed under local anesthesia and can finish as well, and not yield results.

4. If the offset is large, and thus there is a strong mayhem, you are hospitalized, will hold the hood and insert the spokes. Extract have to lie, 4-5 weeks without getting up. After the specified time is repeated x-rays, apply plaster, again a picture. In this case the incapacity lasts for a period of up to 6 months.

5. Surgical treatment can be administered in the presence of fragments of bone, failed when the reduction of dislocation or displacement, with an open fracture and if the bone is not fused or grown together incorrectly.

6. After treatment you will be prescribed physiotherapy, medical gymnastics, magnetic therapy belt, and daily fixation with an elastic bandage for 12 months. The ankle cannot be loaded, overtax, wear shoes with heels, and lift weights. 


Why You Need Massager

Efficiency compact handheld massager is no different from the therapeutic effect of classical massage. This body massager can replace the hands of a professional, and have other beneficial effects. So, in some models of devices, it is provided by the warming plots using infrared radiation. It improves blood circulation and relaxes muscles. Vibration from the butterfly massager generated by the massager has an impact on different parts of the body, improving body tone and improving overall health. The intensity of the impact is possible to choose the most efficient method for controlling the remote control.

Manual body massager or cheap head massager is a good alternative to visiting the salon professional massage. While at home, people without special training can get a full body massage. As a result body massager helps:

To cope with the depression, fatigue, stress; to improve body tone; normalize sleep, eliminate insomnia; improve metabolism, reducing weight, normalize blood pressure by widening capillaries; enhance skin elasticity, improve its color. In addition to these effects, portable hand-held devices to allow massage to achieve therapeutic results such as: increased circulation of lymph, improve the work of the peripheral nervous system; the strengthening of joints and ligaments. 


Whiten Your Teeth

1. Apply expensive whitening toothpaste. This is one of the most simple, but, unfortunately, ineffective ways. Since the use of these tools is removed only the plaque, enamel color does not change. It is recommended to use this paste for up to 30 days, as longer use can damage the enamel.

2. Use hydrogen peroxide to have white teeth. After applying the paste, add twenty drops of bleach in a quarter cup of water, then a few minutes this solution rinse the mouth, then once again you need to rinse with water. There is another option similar to tooth whitening: on a cotton swab to apply the hydrogen peroxide and rub their teeth, then clean them with a toothbrush and rinse the mouth again. If you are looking for method how to whiten your teeth without professional assistance effectively, whitening teeth through hydrogen peroxide – your right choice.

3. Use activated charcoal. For the use of coal as a bleaching agent, it should be crushed and then apply on the toothbrush from the 5 hole toothbrush holder and then brush their teeth. Activated carbon removes plaque well and has some abrasive action for the enamel. This method of whitening is ineffective.

4. Bleach your teeth with wood ash. It contains a compound such as potassium hydroxide, which whitens teeth. Thus, in particular, these microscopic crystals remove plaque in hard to reach areas, while making the teeth white. However, use of wood ash too frequently can damage tooth enamel.

5. Make homemade toothpaste. To do this, mix baking soda and table salt, hydrogen peroxide and a small amount of paste – this tool is harmless and has no effect when applied. It is also wonderful to use the teeth whitening gel kit at home.

Special Item for Facial Care

Dermaroller is a small plastic cylinder, which is covered with a layer of microneedles, aside from the face slimming mask. It also has a plastic handle. Depending on the purpose for which to use the tool, the length of the needles can be from 0.25 to 1.55 mm. Also this unit has another name – the dermaroller. This device is small and compact.

The device is designed to make the skin beautiful and younger. Needle with small length (to 0.5 mm) is used to improve the penetrating ability of the skin. After the procedure the skin becomes two hundred times more open. Sometimes a tool used in conjunction with certain creams to achieve a more rapid and pronounced therapeutic effect. Feedback about the use of dermaroller, anti-aging needling skin roller, is generally positive.

Most often, the main part of the tool is made of plastic, which cannot be subjected to sterilization. However, if a device in the home is one person, multiple uses will be sufficiently thorough disinfection. In medical institutions must either use reusable Cutlery (no plastic parts), or have separate new unit for each customer.

Dermaroller and rejuvenation

Many identify the effect of the use of this device with the effect of laser resurfacing. In the eyes of specialists dermaroller wins, because it is more safe, economical and efficient. The treatment is aimed at a radical and fundamental reconstruction of the skin. It naturally stimulates regeneration processes and structural changes in the skin.

After the procedures of observed processes of neo-angionesis (improvement of local blood flow) and neo-collagenogenesis (delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells). This proves that the constant and faithful use of this tool with the necessary drugs leads to skin rejuvenation.


As with any cosmetic procedure, the use of this tool are its contraindications. Dermaroller should not be used by people who suffer from diabetes or bleeding disorders. Those who have problems with connective tissue, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, malignant neoplasm of the skin.

In pursuit of beauty, youth and health skin you must use only proven and reliable methods. Before you begin to use this tool at home, it is best to consult with a specialist and a thorough study of this issue.


Take Advantage of Toothpaste for Acne

To combat the rash on the skin, you should use white toothpaste: colored gels and paste will not work. In addition, do not apply for these purposes whitening toothpaste: the fact that presents in its composition the active components can cause skin irritation that will only aggravate the situation.

The effectiveness of white toothpaste because it contains baking soda, essential oils, triclosan, menthol, alcohol, and other components that reduce inflammation and have a drying effect. Better if the composition of toothpaste will present extracts of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, oak bark and other medicinal plants.

To get rid of acne, it is recommended using cotton swabs to apply a little white toothpaste on the zit (before the facial skin must be thoroughly clean, that is, to remove makeup residues and dirt particles). It is important that the paste does not fall into the eyes or it may cause irritation of the mucous membrane. This "mask" is left for the night and in the morning wash with warm boiled water.

Usually after the first application of toothpaste, there is a persistent improvement of the skin: redness reduced. Such procedures should be done before full recovery, although it is important not to overdo it, because the constant use of toothpaste may cause dermatitis. This is why the use of toothpaste against acne is contraindicated in patients with sensitive skin.

When applying this anti-inflammatories it is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene: before the procedure, hands should be washed or unwashed hands infection gets on inflamed skin. When used this toothpaste should not be expired, and cotton swabs must be sterile.

In General, success in the fight against pimples maximum at a comprehensive approach: this means that you need to reassess your diet (eliminate junk food), to be more in the fresh air, to give up bad habits, engage in moderate physical activity etc. If homemade methods of dealing with acne will be effective, you should seek expert help from a dermatologist or beautician. 


Makeup to Go Well with Blue Dresses

Choosing a blue dress, you should put on a suitable make-up. It is necessary to align the complexion and revive its glow. Pay special attention to the eyes: you may prefer the shade in neutral colors or to pick up cosmetics, in a shade that matches the dress. Consider not only the color but also the texture of the fabric - it also can be emphasized with makeup with cosmetic makeup brushes kit.

Dark blue dress is perfect for the office. Support it the elegance of a suitable makeup. It needs to be fashionable, but discreet, stylish and very light.

To align color face, select a tinted balm or liquid cream powder light shade. These funds form a very thin layer, well-blasted face, live without hiding the skin's radiance. Apply the product with fingertips, as if hammering it.

Makeup that you put on by using the tools from waterproof makeup bag for evening dress is featured by easy everyday. You can choose more intense shades, to complement them with sequins, pearl glare and other effects.

The basis for evening makeup - smooth and radiant complexion. Be sure to use the leveling base - it will create the effect of "photoshop", removing enlarged pores, fine lines and other imperfections. Dark blue or bright blue color of the dress harmonizes a bright shining face, so pick pink or purple-based, giving the skin a dazzling freshness.

On top of a base put liquid concealer porcelain or grayish-beige. Avoid funds with a reddish undertone - they will look unhealthy. Blend the Foundation with a sponge or brush - cream should fully merge with the skin. Face powder transparent light powder. On the cheekbones, bridge of nose and forehead, add a hint of silvery-pink or pale golden hue. The choice depends on the tone of the dress and the color of your skin and hair. Highlight your eyes with 5pcs eyeshadow makeup brush - night like this makeup looks especially expressive. On the eyelids apply a dark blue shadow, underlining upper and lower eyelids. Choose cream or powder eye shadow with iridescent silky texture. Bright shade will add a velvet-black mascara applied in two layers.


Cosmetic Makeup Brushes

Makeup artists use many different tools in their cheap cosmetic cases. The type of cloth determines the purpose of makeup brush. All the tools are divided into 2 groups: natural and synthetic. The former is applied during the application of powders, shadows, blush, and other dry textures. The latter are used in the selection of these funds, creamy, lipsticks, correctors, concealer, Foundation, liquid blush. Synthetic fiber is much less absorbs the product, so the consumption of cosmetics would be appropriate. Natural brushes can be soft and fluffy, elastic, tough. The first is used for the purpose of products such as loose powder, compact bronzers, and blush. With their help, you can achieve a natural, transparent, smooth skin tone. The fur used in the manufacture of such brushes, give people animals like squirrel, goat, and pony. So as to put on the perfect makeup, you should be smarter while choosing the cosmetic makeup brushes kit.

Elastic brushes are used to apply and blend eyeshadow, and contour after applying the professional makeup cream. They are also used for the purpose of coloring the lips. These brushes are designed to accurately apply the product. Most commonly used fur sable, ferret, marten, and column. Hard are tools, combing his eyebrows, and brushes. The pile consists of a natural bristle or high-quality fiber combined.

They can be round and flat. The first ones are characterized by spherical shape, the shape of the flame of a candle, beveled corners. The latter may take the form of quads, feline language, fans. Meet flat and beveled tools. A large number of tools leads to confusion almost every girl that begins the acquaintance with the technique of application of cosmetic products. When you complete a task, whether it is modeling the face or the shading of the shadows, require different make-up brushes.

So, it’s better to choose the makeup brushes that are suitable for you to use, and the one with good quality will be better.



Scalp massage is performed to improve the condition of the hair and scalp. This is achieved by restoring the blood circulation. When the blood is not able to deliver to the hair and scalp essential nutrients, their health is deteriorating. As a result of the sebaceous gland is dysfunctional, disturbed metabolism, a large number are allocated to unnecessary oily liquid. With the help of massage can not only help the skin and hair. Head massage for headache will also be effective. This way you can remove and emotional stress with portable head massager.

When pressure on the scalp speeds up blood circulation that, in turn, it will increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and accelerates them from decay products. Through head massage, the most important thing is to direct blood towards the heart. This means that all the movements necessary to produce in the direction of "top - down". This will create a secondary flow. Why secondary? Because the primary is the one that moves from heart to head, i.e. in the opposite direction. We are not able in large measure to influence him. But the secondary flow to control the power of each. Knowing this principle, you can do head massage, and massage any other body parts. So, you could use the electric head massager on the manikin foam whenever you want, but today, we are going to show you how to have a massage by using your hands. Now, let's start.

Technique, which now will be discussed, is universal. That is, it is suitable for massaging your head a different person, and for self-massage. Remember to massage the head, you can either palms or fingertips, not fingernails. Also during the procedure, you can exert pressure with his knuckles or wrists. Put your hands on your head and make your fingers move from eye level to the back. By the way, the back of the head is better not to massage with both hands at once, as one. This is the simplest exercise for head massage. Can't understand how to correctly perform? Imagine that you comb, just a comb instead of you fingers. Producing massage of the head, use force, do not be afraid to work on your skin, it is quite dense. It will be enough to ten repetitions and you can move on to the second exercise.

Body Cupping for Losing Weight Healthily

Those people who are overweight, every minute subconsciously think about how to get rid of it. Although not all succeed, but still there are those who never give up, goes to the target and making excellent progress. Many lose weight through exercise with neoprene exercise belt, and others go on diets or starve. Ways to lose weight quite a lot, some of them could be healthy, such as using the vibration slimming belt. One of the very effective ways for today is cupping massage for weight loss. With the help of this massage you can deal with cellulite. In addition, this massage is very good for bronchitis, osteochondrosis of the spine, and with painful muscle syndromes and muscle spasms. Nowadays there are many types of slimming massage is manual massage and hydromassage, as well as hardware and honey massage, and of course, a very effective and unique cupping massage for weight loss.

Today it is one of the most popular types of massage to combat obesity. You can visit the Spa, where you can do cupping massage by qualified professionals. They will help you to acquire slender form. But you can do cupping massage with 12 body cupping at home, without extra costs to visit stores. For this procedure you will need a special silicone or glass medical jars. It is better to opt for silicone banks. Before you start to do cupping massage for weight loss, stock up on massage oil or cream, suitable warming ointment. So the effect of massage was stronger, you can use anti-cellulite cream to handle problem areas.

Now let's learn how to do cupping massage. First, treat the problem areas with creams or essential oils. As the massage creates a vacuum, this type of therapy is also called vacuum. Now you need to gently, smoothly and without hassle to move banks on the body. At first you will feel pain, but then let it be. Cupping massage for weight loss should be done slowly. Movements should be gentle and smooth. It is recommended to do two hours before you are going to eat or not less than an hour after eating. By doing this massage, you stimulate the circulation and lymphatic circulation, in addition, stimulates the interstitial fluid. Thus, the breakdown of fat and cellulite just disappears. Many have already experience the cupping massage for weight loss reviews the most good. Almost all were satisfied. Of course, compared with a home with massage cupping, massage in the salon wins, because there are professionals.

Don't be lazy, and take care of yourself, because you deserve to be the most charming and attractive.


Three Types of Humidifier

Too dry air may cause reduced immunity, acute diseases of the respiratory system and permanent headaches. Of course, you can hang a wet cloth on batteries or wind up fish (the evaporation of the water from the tank to humidify the air). But wouldn't it be easier to buy a humidifier?

For many very necessary was the purchase of humidifiers for the home or business premises. They not only increase humidity, but also decontaminate the air. About the reduced level of humidity can be found on the basis of electrostatic voltage, dry mouth, pain when wearing contact lenses, bleeding from the nose. In the presence of such inconveniences and saves the humidifier. Different moisturizers essentially work, such as the electric aromatherapy air humidifier, mechanical humidifier and even the steam humidifier.

Ultrasonic Humidifier
Ultrasonic humidifiers, like the ultrasonic portable air humidifier, atomize the smallest particles of moisture due to the operation of the ultrasound (as the name implies). Gold or silver membrane, vibrating, creates a kind of fog. By adjusting the intensity of operation of the device can create a certain level of humidity, e.g. 60%. The impressive power of the device allows using it both at home and in offices.

Mechanical Humidifier
Mechanical humidifier is a structure of the evaporative element (filter paper or a fan) and of the water tank. Its working principle is based on natural evaporation. Such a device is able to purify the air of dust and impurities. This humidifier is reliable due to its simple construction and has a low price, however, has several disadvantages. He saturates the air force, and therefore, the level of humidity is limited to sixty percent. Traditional moisturizer might be loud when working, and therefore, it is inconvenient to use at night.

Steam Humidifier
A steam humidifier works on the principle of the kettle. Submerged electrodes heat the water, and she begins to rapidly evaporate. The output steam temperature is relatively low. After all the water has evaporated the unit will switch off automatically. Such humidifiers are often equipped with nozzles for inhalation, which allows their use for medical purposes. In addition, prolonged boiling, as it is known, kills disease-causing microorganisms, and thus disinfects. Steam humidifiers consume significant amounts of electricity and are not able to maintain a precise humidity level. However, these humidifiers are ideal for use in large rooms and offices, as they are able to handle a large volume of air in a short time. 



If you decide to do the nail art design yourself, or make it your career, then you should purchase a full set of tools for this case. Experts advise beginners that do not have to chase branded and advertised products, and to opt for equipment and materials of the mid-market.

1. For an independent procedure of nail extension you will need a set of tools. UV lamp, like the heart shaped lamp, to secure the material is must-have, which will increase the nails. Some have additional options, such as blowing, etc. to Pay for them or not, you decide. But these functions are not used often.

2. The second item which you can not do without is the brush for applying the nail polish. They come from natural or artificial cloth. The second is much more acceptable for the price and the difference when using minimum.
3. Nail files are also good for shaping your nails’ shape. Professional masters purchase them in large quantities. Nail files are divided according to the degree of roughness. Choose the one is perfect for you.
5. Following the objects you need – nail scissors to cut nails and cutter for trimming tips. Here is not worth saving. Items must be of high quality steel with a good sharpening.
6. Dead skin removal is your must have, since you need to move the cuticle on the sides.
7. You will not be able to extend your nails without tips or forms. They come with wide and narrow area of bonding. It is better to choose the first. This option is more securely fastened to the nail. Check the quality, a little bending of the tips. It needs to be flexible, a good bend, not break and do not leave creases and white stripes on the bend.
8. The most important purchase will be the materials for nail extension: gel and acrylic systems.
9. Be sure to purchase primer for good adhesion of the gel on natural nail, gel to give the finished nail beauty and shine, and cuticle oil.

Aside from the essentials that I have shown you above, there are also some decorations for you, such as the skull nail stickers.


Speaking of the acrylic for nail, there was a doctor who tried to wean his wife biting his nails. He put his wife’s nails on dental material, which subsequently led to the revolution in the nail business. Acrylic dental material used in great demand among manicurists, and dentists are them helped. So the world learned what acrylic nails. Further, the technology of cooking has changed and improved, the master changed the chemical composition of the material to rid it from the sharp smell. Subsequently I managed to create a gel that has hardened under ultraviolet light.

Currently, acrylic used for nail extension, is very different from the one that was used several years ago. He has such a sharp and strong smell, harmless to humans, as it consists of safe chemical compounds. It does not cause side effects when used many times. Faced with nail acrylic, you can ask the question: "what is the liquid for acrylic?” This auxiliary material used when building. Cheap acrylic liquid is a special liquid, which is mixed with the acrylic powder to obtain a gel-like material, from which subsequently formed artificial nail plate. As a basis for applying acrylic material apply tips or forms (plates that mimic the shape of the nail). When the acrylic hardens, the form is removed, there is a thin artificial plate, the length and shape of which is correctable on acrylic nail polish display.

Now you know what is acrylic nail polish and its basic properties. Many experts believe that artificial acrylic nails are more sturdy and durable. It is ideal for active women, leading a sedentary lifestyle. Acrylic should be used only by experienced masters of manicure, because correctly laid out the material very difficult to align.


Every woman in today's world wants to look beautiful and attractive. Watch carefully for your hair and for the hands moms teach young fashionistas since childhood. This is not surprising, because hair always accentuates a woman's beauty, and the hands and manicure are in sight, and even the slightest error in care can play not in favor of the woman. Part of the image and a reflection of the unique style of every young lady is a manicure. But not all nature bestowed beautiful nails. However, today there are a variety of services that give the opportunity to correct this small disadvantage. Modern materials and equipment allow the nail to adjust the shape and length of the plate.

In our time, to build up the nails, there are two ways: acrylic and removable glue gel, which are considered the most popular and common. Everything you need for nail gel method is a special UV lamp for drying the applied substance, the gel that is transparent, pink (natural) or colored, nail tips and adhesive for them, brushes of different sizes to simulate the shape of nail Polish, nail files of different abrasive, a degreaser, an essential primer and a brush to remove dust from nails. The advantage of gel nail extension can be considered the flexibility of the resulting form, but it's still sturdy enough and looks very natural. In addition, the selected shape can be easily and independently adjusted to file. It is important to remember that the instruments for nails should be kept clean. It is necessary to use antiseptic. Also, another important point is the choice of materials. It is better if the funds will be from the same manufacturer. All materials used in this process, the nails, the materials should be of high quality. From them depends the result. I would like to note that you need to nail to use additional tools for design: UV gel glitter, sequins, stickers and rhinestones. They give the image every woman has her own unique, unique shade. Besides, surely any girl would be a reason to show off an unusual design of nails, made using original materials (gemstones, feathers or just the art of painting). 


Take Care of Synthetic Wigs

One of my favorite ways to a woman's transformation is a change of hairstyles. Dramatically change your hairstyle without damaging your own hair by using a rich range of modern wigs. But, to make the wig look stylish and well maintained, it is necessary to observe the basic rules of care. Here are the tips for taking care of synthetic wigs, such as the long straight hair wigs.

Caring for a wig of artificial hair in the first place comes down to careful brushing. For this purpose it is fixed on a special disc or on the Bank of a suitable size – this measure prevents the pulling of the hair, which often occur when combing the wig, lying on his hands.

For brushing, use a special brush or a comb with rare teeth. Tangled curls, even the short brown hair wig, after carefully handled by the fingers, and then comb starting from the ends of the strands and moving to the top of the wig. If curly hair – combing their fingers to apply combs and brushes, because the curls from this are developing, and the hairs are easily injured.

To wash a synthetic wig you need in a little warm water in which is dissolved a mild shampoo. The wig immersed in water and leave for 5-10 minutes, then gently rinsed in cool water, trying not to entangle your hair.

After washing you can use a balm that will add artificial hair extra softness – balsam dissolved in lukewarm water, immersed in a solution of the wig, leave to act for 10 minutes. Rinse your hair after applying the balm is not necessary.

Drying the wig is made first on the towel to absorb excess water, then into the disc to dry completely. Wet wig can not wring, to twist and deform. While hair is wet – they can spray a conditioner that give your hair volume and will allow to avoid accumulation of static electricity.

Artificial hair is manufactured without the use of dryers, hot rollers and crimper.