
How to Deal with Cracked Hands and Feet

This unpleasant phenomenon as very dry skin of hands, can lie in wait for a woman of any age, at any time of the year. The hand cream could help you with that in most of the cases. What are the basic premises that the skin becomes dehydrated, sagging, lost tone, crack, why there are sores between the toes and on the palms?

Precipitating factors is divided into external feedback which can be neutralized at home without much effort, and internal factors when violations are of deep processes of the body. External factors can be summarized as follows:

• frequent contact with a rigid chlorinated water;
• exposure to aggressive components of household chemicals;
• inadequate fluid intake, unbalanced diet;
• vitamin deficiency;
• winter cold, ultraviolet radiation.

Domestic same reasons, the hidden eye, sometimes it is possible to establish a doctor-specialist to fix them as possible in compliance with all recommendations of the treating doctor. The situation is aggravated by the dry skin of the hands when the cracks begin to appear between the toes, on the palms, bringing pain. And you need hand foot care. This is a sure sign of diseases such as:

• dermatitis;
• eczema;
• psoriasis;
• thyroid problems.

So when cracks appeared between the fingers, acquire a permanent nature, bleed, cause itching, it is best to immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous here, and totally ineffective. But the vitamins of groups A, B, E, limit contact with water, the simplest recipes to eliminate dryness greatly facilitate the state, partially neutralized excite her cause.


Review of the LED Makeup Mirror

Hello again! The submitted another review.

LED makeup mirror that is perfectly great for women who want to be beautiful, tell me, but the truth ... That's actually report back to talk today about the mirrors. It has long dreamed of a good mirror with lights, with magnifier, whatever was on the dresser, and pleasing to the eye. And as you know if you want, you should definitely. In the search for the object of desire went where? That's right, on Banggood. And there, as always full of box - for every taste and budget. A bit scary it was, the goods still fragile, and broken mirrors, as you know, a bad omen. But the desire to have a dream, saving a good half of the value of won doubt causing rush in the pool with his head, and as it later turned out, not in vain. I have to say that it’s more clear to use this mirror when using the suction tool.
Good luck!

Mirror it's packed to the mail box, inside of which was a box with a mirror. The outer box is great hesitated, but thank God the mirror is not affected. By the way, this is the only drawback I found - I would place the seller packed even in the foam, because I could not be so lucky, our dear Russian post may break, and the weight :-)). In view of this, I would venture to give a piece of advice - do not repeat my mistakes, ordering something fragile, do not rely on the case, as it should ask sellers of the product packaging, insist on strengthening the protection of the goods.

About mirror itself: a metal, a strict, not a single superfluous detail, stylish, beautiful for my taste, looks solid. 


What Will Make You Beautiful

Everyone wants to be more and more beautiful, and there are so many tools that are said to be useful to make us looks beautiful. Now here are three amazing products for you.
Bamboo Nose Blackhead Mask Deep Cleansing Acne Remover Shrinking Pores Mud
This is the blackhead mask for you to get rid of those annoying blackheads. And this works well by pulling those blackheads out. And it’s kind of amazing and magical.
Check here: Shrinking Nose Pores
CAICUI Snail Face Cream Anti-aging Wrinkle Moisturizing Whitening Skin Care
The snail cream could be essential product that you need for face care routine, because it’s anti-aging and moisturizing.
Check here: Snail Face Cream
Ice Cool Derma Skin Roller Anti-aging Tool for Face Body Serum Massage Anti Wrinkles Iced Wheel
This one is quite nice for smooth your skin after a hot shower. And it feels really nice to use this after the facial mask or shower.
Check here: Skin Derma Roller


How to Apply Brush Makeup Step by Step

Learning how to use a liquid foundation brush can make a big difference. Applying without leaving a lot of layers and holes without cover can be a difficult task. For women who are starting to make up their face with this type of cosmetic and are looking for the best tool for their application, in this article we will mention how to apply liquid makeup with a facial brush instead of the fingers or sponges from cheap makeup.

Get Your Face Ready

Before starting the process of applying the base, prepares the skin so that it is easy for the makeup to adhere to the face and that does not break. Wash your face gently with the method you prefer and gently dry it with a towel without rubbing until you have not a drop of water. Moisturize your skin with a moisturizer (this step is important even if you have oily skin) and let it dry for a few minutes. Apply a pre-base for the base of makeup on the face. This can be done with your hands or with a small brush. Apply a uniform coat all over the face and let it dry completely. If you need to add concealer to hide imperfections do it at once. Any brush for eyeshadows will help you apply the concealer (if it is in cream). When applying the concealer, always apply and then blunt it or clear lipstick.

Once your face has been prepared, it is time to apply the makeup foundation. Even if you are a beginner, you will be able to follow these simple tips and create a smooth and uniform application. Pour a small amount of liquid base into the back of your hand. Pick up some product with the brush. Begin applying makeup under the eyes, in the T zone, chin and cheeks. From there he begins to spread the makeup and to blur it with the same brush. Use down and sideways movements. Use the thinner brushes to cover those hard-to-reach areas such as corners of the nose, around the eyes and mouth. If there are noticeable strokes of the brush, here is when you can use a sponge to blur without applying more foundation.


Tips for Maintaining Your Razor

We could see a few days ago that the duration of razor blades is not usually in line with the high price many parts have, especially for those who require practically daily shaving by the profession or type of beard. Now in times of crisis it is always good to look for tricks and suggestions that can help the blades extend their useful life and we can continue to give them use, and what is better, keep hurrying as they should. So let's look at some tricks and practical tips to lengthen the duration of the razor blades.

This more than a trick is something basic that we must not forget if we want to keep our blades from two sided razor in good condition for a long time. Although it is not common to use a blades until they oxidize yes the passage of time and the humidity on them will cause them to deteriorate and appear scales and imperfections on the blades. For the drying of the blades after their use we have several options. The best will be the dryer because with hot air we will be able to dry the space between the filaments.

The truth is that we can find more and more effective methods to preserve the state and properties of the blades for longer, such as alcohol. Cleaning the blades with alcohol after each shave will not only help preserve the blades from electric shaver but also prevent possible infections in cuts, especially if you suffer from acne.

In addition to the precautions already mentioned before, the bathroom is the worst place to store a blade, keep in mind that it is the place where more moisture is usually accumulated and this will be the great enemy of the blade to maintain its good condition.


How to Make Handmade Soap on Your Own

It is very old. We can say that he is of all the life. To make handmade soap you need 3 main ingredients: oil or fat (or a mixture of different oils and fats), water and sodium hydroxide. If any of them are missing, it will be impossible for us to make our homemade soap. Other ingredients such as honey, oats, essences or aromatic herbs are optional natural additives: they improve the properties of artisan soap or crystal private care soap, but you can make soap without them.

Three main components to make soap (oil / grease + water + sodium hydroxide). All the recipes carry a meticulous calculation of quantities and the components are weighed with exactitude from health and beauty wholesale.

1. Oil / grease.
Olive oil, for example.
It is one of the most used in the elaboration of natural soaps and I have put it here as the most traditional example. But in general, you can use virtually any oil or grease to make soap.
2. Pure Water.
3. Sodium Hydroxide.

First the mold is prepared. Traditionally wooden crates were used for the production of handmade soap. I follow the tradition and for my soaps I use my wooden molds. In the background is usually put a special paper to not spoil the wood.

The sodium hydroxide solution is then prepared in the water. Sodium Hydroxide is a white substance that converts an oil or fat into soap. You have to take certain precautions to work with her (put gloves, cover the work table, etc.). Sodium hydroxide is the obligatory component in the elaboration and can not be suppressed nor replaced by something else. Without Sodium Hydroxide you can not make handmade soap. When sodium hydroxide is dissolved in the water, the mixture becomes very hot and must be allowed to cool to the required temperature (according to each recipe).


Stainless Steel Pedicure Tools

Nail clipper
Large nail scissors, nail clippers generally have a flat edge instead of a round edge. Some cutters also have a retractable nail file that can be used to clean underneath the nails. The Clippers are used to cut the crowns of the nails and extract the bottom of the corners of the nail so that it does not stick to the skin. Cutting the corners of the nails can be particularly difficult - it is important not to cut over corners or ingrown nails can occur. The cut should be done at a 45 degree angle, sliding the ultra-thin foldable nail clippers under the angle. Clippers should be gently squeezed before saturation and then any angle can be cut. A cardboard file is usually used after harvest to round sharp edges with the professional nail cutter.

The cuticles are small folds of the skin at the base of each nail. A tool with a flat tip, usually referred to as a cuticle pusher, is used to push the cuticle into the nail bed and then clean the nail. A cream or lotion should be applied to soften the cuticles before a cuticle pusher is used.

Clippers cuticle
Strawberries are tools that look like a small pair of tweezers to cut cuticles when loose skin is evident. Since the skin of the fingers is more sensitive than the skin of your fingers, you should be very careful not to cut the tissue alive or above the cut cuticle - small cuts can easily become infected.

Scrape foot
A foot rasp is a tool that has an abrasive surface and is used to remove hard, tough skin on the foot. Soak your feet with in the manicure bowl in advanced. The scraper is held against the base of the foot and gently rubbed back and forth, removing the hard skin, particularly the heel area. Some scrub feet have an abrasive surface on the opposite side, which is used for rubbed smooth areas.

The facial brush: The essential for deep facial cleansing

Perhaps many consider that for a facial cleaning does not need more than a good make-up remover. Well, we're sorry to tell you that you're not right. For a facial cleansing results in visible results, we must remove all the remains of makeup, pollution and all those particles that can clog our pores, day and night. And to get it, it is best that we use a facial brush plus a good soap or make-up remover from health and beauty wholesale.

As you know, facial cleansing is vitally important both in the morning routine and in the evening routine. Cleaning properly means following a routine that consists of 3 steps: cleaning, drying and toning:

Clean: Although we do not think it, water modifies the pH of our skin and is not exactly the best. It is best to clean with special face soap - in gel, foam or cleansing milk - and use make-up wipes.

Drying: We must wait until our face dries well before applying the tonic. We must remember that drying with the towel 'rubbing' is not recommended. The ideal is to dry with small taps.

Toning: A tonic in a wipe or cotton after drying is basic to end cleaning. The tonic opens the pores and ends up eliminating all the remains to prepare the skin for the later treatments, either in serum or cream.

If to this basic routine we add a facial brush for cleaning, much better. The facial brushes are ideal to eliminate all the waste that we have been accumulating throughout the day. In short, they are highly effective when we want deep cleaning and visible results in a short time.

Thanks to its system of fine bristles and vibration, the device allows to clean six times more in depth than any manual system. One of the best in terms of quality and price we have found in the market is the facial brush. In addition to being able to clean at 4 different speeds, it has more power to improve the massage experience on your skin.


Learn to Cut Your Hair at Home

Cutting one's own hair is a risky proposition, but many women want to try it for different reasons. If you are one of those who are encouraged to this daring work, this post will be very useful as you will discover different ways to cut your hair without making disasters with hair cutting scissors.

Split ends
As you see in the picture, you just have to braid your hair and trim the ends that come out of the braid. You can do it yourself or ask a friend to help you. Or you could practice with the natural hair mannequin heads in advanced.

Cut with horsetail
A cut that at first sight is scary but is very simple to do. This cut causes the hair to be cut in long layers and leaves enough hair in case it needs corrections.

Cut in layers
A very clear video tutorial where it shows how you have to do to cut hair in layers. It seems simple, right?

Cutting of points
In the image you can see how it is possible to cut off the tips and get a trim result if you take all the hair up and give you small cuts. Ideally, a friend helps you.

Cut in 5 minutes
Another way to cut the ends of hair simply and quickly. In the video you will see that you can do it without problems. It is a variant of the previous mode, only you can do it alone.

Cut bangs
In this video you can learn to cut your bangs irregularly with the longer ends.

Remember that it is always better that the hair is long, see cutting slowly to avoid moans later. The scissors need to be sharpened, and if possible, be to cut the hair. It is always easier to cut wet hair, but it is necessary to dry the hair to see the results of the cut.


Introduction of the Glucometer

One of the most important tools for people with diabetes is to have a glucometer on hand, this is a device that measures blood glucose levels. This small and practical machine allows diabetic patients to monitor the amount of glucose (sugar) in their blood; So it is crucial to know what food you can consume and what medicines are appropriate for them and thus keep blood sugar levels controlled. The following steps will help you know how to use your glucometer, if you want more information visually I recommend watching the video how to use a glucometer.

Buy Meter and Testing
To buy a glucometer from health and beauty you can go to any pharmacy and buy one, even some malls already have some available, however depending on the model and brand will be its cost, and on many occasions can become high. It is important that when you go to buy some in a pharmacy go with your prescription, as many companies manufacturers of glucometers give away the test strips.

Read Glucose Handbook
Since there are several types and brands of glucometers in the market, it is important that you read the manual or the instructions it contains before you start using it. Pay particular attention to where the test will be inserted and how the test will be performed.

Test the Glucometer Before Using It
Most glucometers bring test strips to make sure the device is doing the proper readings. These forms of tests depending on the product can be two: with a test strip or with a liquid that is placed in one of the strips, when it puts the liquid or the strip inserts it in the apparatus and this one must be showing the levels Acceptable glucose. If you notice something strange or do not go with what is indicated in the manual, it is important that you return the product for a new one.


The Best Cream to Remove Scars

Scars are formed when the body cures a wound that has damaged the skin, according to the University of Virginia. The tissue that forms the scars is known as fibrous tissue, which can become discolored and have a different texture of the surrounding skin. The appearance of scars can be reduced through topical creams as well as by laser procedures. Topical creams are a simple and cost effective way to reduce the appearance of a scar. Before starting with the best skin care products, consult the creams with your doctor, especially if you have a pre-existing condition on the skin.

Jellyfish extract
Jellyfish extract is among the leading scrub reduction creams that doctors recommend. While the jellyfish scars tissue can not be completely erased, the active ingredients contained in this topical cream will reduce discoloration and soften the scar tissue. The main ingredient is Jellyfish extract. According to research by Jellyfish extract, this ingredient clears redness and softens the scar tissue.

Products Jellyfish extract
Jellyfish extract could soften the surface of a scar and reduce its discoloration. Jellyfish extract Gel is the original product that was introduced in the market. The gel has no fragrance and if properly applied, it will not create a greasy film on the scar. The gel is ideal for scars from surgery, accidents, acne and burns.

How to apply Jellyfish extract
To apply Jellyfish extract, wash the scar with soap and water and then dry the area with a towel. The amount to use will depend on the size of the scar. Smooth and even fleet directly on the scar three times a day for eight weeks for scars that are 3 months old. Older scars require longer treatment. Apply Jellyfish extract to these scars four times a day for five months. You can start using Jellyfish extract on wounds that have healed completely. Do not use on open wounds. 


Home Remedies to Heal Cracked Heels

Have you noticed that during the season of intense summer and / or winter your heels tend to crack? Well, this is a clear sign that you do not care enough about them with foot care products.

Cracked feet are unappealing and, in some cases, may even bleed and cause infection and extreme pain. The good news is that they can be easily taken care of with some simple and easy home remedies.

Moisturizing foot protector
This could be the useful one for the daily life. You could wear this wherever you go, so your feet could be moisturize all the time with silicone moisturizing foot protector.

Olive oil
The easiest way to heal cracked heels is to apply a little extra virgin olive oil with the help of a cotton ball and massage gently in a circular motion for five to ten minutes, then put on a pair of cotton socks. You can also mix the olive oil with a moisturizer and put a few drops of lavender oil to help, not only to relax your feet but yourself. Massage the mixture on your feet and cover equally with socks.

Warm water
Every night before going to bed, put your feet in warm water and add a few drops of liquid soap (you can use a few drops of your shampoo too). Immerse your feet in the water for about 20 minutes to loosen dead cells. Then rub gently with a pumice stone. Rinse your feet, dry them, put a moisturizer and cover them with cotton socks. Do this daily.

Lemon juice has a very mild natural acidic property and therefore you can use it to get rid of dead skin cells from dry cracked heels. Add a little lemon juice in warm water and soak the feet in this solution for a few minutes. Then rub gently with a brush or pumice. After washing and drying the feet completely, apply a little moisturizer.



The world of makeup is constantly changing. Day by day new trends tend to emerge that stand out in the press, specialized blogs, runways and advertising. Especially in the morning, the natural will be fundamental. A trend towards healthy, protected and clean skins. You should use light bases that, in addition, add sun protection in their formulations. Healthy looks, flushes and lips with more shine will highlight this season.

One of the novelties will be the metallic tones, the blue will be the ideal color for the eyes both in shadow and in outline and / or mask. With regard to lipsticks will be used in nude and coral pink.

1.-Tone the skin: if you want to look a tan, you can use matt or satin toners. As you know it is not recommended to be exposed to the sun for a long time, because the skin is dull, dry and even in some cases produces an allergic reaction.

2.-Illuminate our features: recommended illuminators from travel cosmetic bags to give light. It can be applied anywhere on the face, but you must take into account the shape of your face. In general, the majority is good to apply it in the area of ​​the cheekbones and in the arch of the eyebrows.

3.-Combine the colors well: the main thing to keep in mind is that your makeup should always combine with the dress, accessories, shoes ... the garments you use for your look.

4.-Explosion of color: the trend is the vibrant colors like fuchsia, orange and coral in all its ranges. For this season, highlights that they are mate, so if you opt for these tones you should not use gloss over.

5.- Highlight the eyes with rainbow eyeshadow: if you prefer to highlight your eyes, this summer we bring you two options. The first is to bet on the smoky eyes look in the range of blues and metallic tones. The second option is to play with vibrant colors such as green, turquoise, coral and fuchsia.

It is important that you keep in mind that if you highlight the eyes, the makeup of your lips should be smoother and if you highlight your lips, a good outline or imposing lashes or an illuminator are enough to make up your eyes. Therefore, the most important thing for the makeup of the next summer season is the skin. Therefore, the main thing is to take care of your skin, so you will not have to use bases and heavy correctors to cover the imperfections.


Manicure in Matt tones: The Must-Have of This Season

Manicure is an art that is reinvented every season: for this winter the most in are the matte tones, leaving behind the intense brightness of the gel effect, instead of mirror chrome nail polish. So it is already possible to find in the market several of the favorite colors of many well-known brands, but in its mate version.

Although lacquers come in all colors and qualities, it is always better to bet on a good quality, not only to achieve a good effect and more durable over time, but also for the health and beauty of our nails.

An expert advice for a better winter manicure is to apply with nail polish pens, prior to the enamel, a base. Also, remember to let dry between layer and layer, in case you apply more than one - which is usually recommended to achieve beautiful nails and protagonists, lasting several days.

To put together your complete look, the idea is to combine clothes with lips and nails matching - with this opaque, clear effect. Another expert tip is, after applying the lacquer from gel polish nail art, to pass a suitable polisher on the surface of each one, so that any remaining gloss disappears.

With a metallic touch
The gurus of what is coming add that, for a more elegant and sophisticated look, mate can be added a metallic touch, in very specific places. "A very strong look is to draw the line of the French with the top coat, so you will get a matt enamel with the shiny line," said Ana Frigols, manicure specialist and trainer of Creative Nail Designs Spain.

"This trick can be adapted to all types of nail art by mixing these two types of finishes," he added. Another option is to add a small decorative element, such as pearls, geometric drawings or even touches of glitter, as well as stickers or ribbons.

As for the colors that are being used, the red ones, from the lightest ones to the almost black ones, and the violets and blue ones, in their mate version, of course, stand out.


What You Can Do to Keep Your Health

Do my habits really affect my health?
They affect her a lot. All major causes of death such as cancer, heart disease, stroke (stroke), lung cancer and injuries can be prevented by the lifestyle and choices you choose as personal care.

Eat healthy.
A healthy diet has many health benefits. Heart disease, certain types of cancers, stroke, diabetes and damage to the arteries can be associated with what you eat. By choosing healthier food choices you can also lower your cholesterol and lose weight.

Lose weight if you are overweight.
Many Americans are overweight. Being too heavy increases your risk of having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, some cancers, gallbladder disease, and arthritis in weight bearing joints such as the spine, hips, or knees. High fiber content, low-fat diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight and maintain the new weight.

Smart bracelet
A smart bracelet could monitor your heart rate and your sleep. And it might be the best choice for monitoring your health condition. And here is the heart rate smart bracelet that could be really helpful.

Exercise can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression. It can also help prevent colon cancer. Spillage and injuries to the back. If you exercise regularly you will feel better and keep your weight under control. Try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes 4 to 6 times a week, but remember that any amount is better than nothing. If your shoulder can’t afford the exercise that is too hard, here is the arthritis shoulder support strap that might help you better.

Check high blood pressure.
High blood pressure can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. To control it, lose weight, exercise, eat less salt, drink less alcohol, do not smoke and take the medicine if your doctor prescribes it.


How to Care for Your Face Daily

One of the most important steps to have a beautiful skin is to clean it every day, this way we will prevent the pores from being opened due to the accumulation of grease and dirt, that form grains and that our face looks opaque and lifeless. In the post, we give you some simple steps so that you know how to clean your face daily and maintain a beautiful face and in perfect condition with different products, like reduce nose pores.

1. You must clean your face every day before going to sleep, so you have spent all day at home and have not used a drop of makeup. Remember that your face is also dirty with the fat that produces the skin, the dust of the environment and various factors that is why daily hygiene is essential.
2. Always choose products specific to your skin type in this way will take care of your needs without causing damage.
3. Clean your skin thoroughly with the product of your preference, you can use the makeup wipes if you prefer, although it is recommended a product in gel, soap or cream for a more thorough cleaning. Always use warm water to remove the product and avoid doing so with too hot or cold water as it can damage your skin.
4. When drying your face it is very important that you do not scrub the towel violently, rather it gently presses the fabric on your face, in this way you will avoid attacking the delicate skin of the face.
5. The use of a facial tonic is very helpful because it allows us to revitalize the skin of the face and make it look great. Apply it gently by tapping your face to stimulate circulation. Remember that the area around the eye is very delicate, so it is advisable to use specific products for this area.
6. Finally it is important to use a special moisturizer for the face, like using the aloe vera face mask. This will allow you to keep the skin in better condition, nourish it and help it withstand the impacts of the weather. Remember to apply a special product for the area of ​​the eye contour and another for the rest of the face, preferably water based if your skin is oily, the oil control cream will be perfect.
7. And if you want to improve the appearance of the pores of your face we give you the step by step so you know how to close the pores open at home.



Shaving is something that many men do daily and in fact it has become part of their routine. To get a complete shave, without the risk of cutting some opt for methods beyond classic shaving as are electric machines. In this article, we now see how to shave with an electric machine and beard trimming catcher.

The electric shaving machine or machine is certainly effective when it comes to getting a shave and avoid cuts or beard grow faster (but never be complete compared to a blade). In addition many models of these machines allow cutting different types and measures of beards and serve even to keep the head shaved. If you want to learn how to shave with KEMEI KM 1981 correctly, read these steps carefully.

It is a matter of opting for one of these models, although they all act with the same effectiveness, and start using them at least twice a day so that we can get accustomed to the skin and thus start to prevent the beard from growing too much or if you have one Beard too "hard." Remember that shaving with a blade is the best thing to remove any remaining hair on your face and that with the machines that is something that you will not get at all unless you shave more than once a day. On the other hand for those who wear the typical beard for two or three days, you can get more out of your machine because you can get the volume of hair empty but without shaving at all, something that is not achieved with razors in wooden box kit .

If you want your shave to be complete, even and perfect before starting to use the shaver as if it were a traditional razor you have to know that actions like wetting your face to facilitate shaving will not be necessary.

If you are the one with the beard and do not want to shave it completely, but keep it, you must pass the machine with the function indicated for it, but also remember that you should shave very well in key areas such as the union between whiskers and whiskers, or The drawing of the mustache so that they are well defined without there being pieces that are more populated than others.


Healthy and Beauty Problems That You Should Know

For a healthy and beautiful hair and skin, there are nutrients that add up, and a lot, such is the case with biotin, which will make a big difference. It is a vitamin, also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7, which is water soluble and essential for the body. Let us see in this article some of its most outstanding properties and personal care in terms of the health and beauty of the mane and the skin.

This compound is involved in cell growth and in the natural regeneration of hair, skin and nails, along with keratin. In the human body, it is stored in the liver and its excess is discarded through urine and sweat. In general, biotin contributes to the normal functioning of metabolism, nervous system and cognitive functions, among others.

Where to find it? You can incorporate it through fish, chicken or poultry meat, egg yolk, yeast and certain animal viscera such as kidney or liver. As for vegetable sources, you can find it in soy beans, almonds, cauliflower, bananas, onion, tomato and carrots, etc.

While it is always best to look for natural sources, you can also opt for supplements of this vitamin - especially when there is a deficit. In cases of dermatitis, conjunctivitis or hair loss can be used to supplement it by alternative routes, always consulting with your primary care physician.

Hair beauty
As it was said, biotin is essential for healthy and strong hair: in hair care, it stops hair loss, promotes its growth and contributes to healthier, stronger and volume hair or trim it with hair cutting scissors. While the consumption of the vitamin is what will bring its best benefits, certain shampoos or capillaries are enriched with biotin can also be helpful.

Biotin is also needed for younger, healthier skin: it nourishes it and helps fight eczema, dermatitis and extreme dryness. It also promotes and strengthens nail growth.


Electric Toothbrushes from Braun for Dental Health

Electric toothbrushes Braun ORAL-B - a great option for those who prefer the most thoroughly clean the teeth, the space between them and keep them in good shape surrounding gums! The soft vibration of the brush will allow you to gently loosen plaque, and then easily remove it from the surface of the teeth. The bristles are arranged so that easily clears all sides surrounding the tooth and teeth whitening tool kit.

Oral-B brushes are truly quality products that effectively cleanses the mouth and it is very easy to use. Brushing teeth becomes 2 times more effective than the same conventional cleaning brush on the suction cup toothbrush holder.

The manufacturer assures that the deep cleaning mode Braun toothbrush cleans teeth from 99.7% of plaque, including in the most remote places. Another model, which we would like to introduce you to this toothbrush Braun model Vitality Precision Clean. Excellent functional properties combined with cost-effective due to the fact that only one nozzle for a toothbrush. This is useful for people who have no need for multiple other functions. Everyone decides for himself how he wants the functional brush. In addition, for a person who has not yet never used an electric toothbrush, it is better to start to try to buy an inexpensive model. Especially that additional nozzles can then be purchased separately. Oral-B Professional Care 3000 is another model that has three nozzles - for daily cleaning for sensitive teeth and for polishing. It is most often demanded functional requirements. Excellent removes yellow stains from the tooth surface at fans of coffee and cigarettes. Multiple brushing Braun allow back teeth natural whiteness. For many people, trying brushing Braun electric toothbrush with Braun toothbrush charger would not want to go back to the manual brushes. This is indicated by the numerous reviews of customers who have purchased and used by the likes of toothbrushes. Customer reviews can be easily found on the Internet - on many websites, forums, specialized online stores. What sequence of teething children can learn here to advance ready.


How to Care for Your Nails

The care and beauty of the nails demand some time and patience, but also knowledge. In the day to day, you can make mistakes that end up damaging them, we tell you below what are some of the most frequent that can make our manicure with gel builder nails never work as we really want.

Although it seems obvious, biting them is one of the worst habits that can be: many people, especially nervous and anxious nature, bite their nails, which is a serious mistake.

Remove nail polish
After several days of applying the enamel, it begins to peel chrome nails powder off, another bad habit is to keep pulling it with the other nails! Just wait to have a nail polish remover nearby to remove it properly.

Cut cuticles
Much is said about whether or not cuticles should be cut: the answer is no. It is recommended to soften them with specialized oils and then run them backwards if necessary.

Bad nutrition
As in everything, our food is key: a balanced and nutritious diet, with a good supply of vitamins and minerals - especially, calcium - will be essential to have healthy and beautiful nails.

Beware of water and cleaning products
When washing dishes or cleaning the house, do not forget to wear gloves, as both the constant humidity and the chemicals damage and weaken them.

Gel or acrylic nails
Yes, they are very sensual, but, they are not recommended for nails. You could have the cheap nail polish to help. In order to be able to fix the acrylic layer, the nails must be polished previously, which will make your nail thinner and thinner. It will be better if you avoid this option, or leave it alone for some very special occasion.


How to Keep Your Hair Smooth

Autumn has already come and with it come the rains and the uncomfortable, unsightly and, although many we admire, the ever present frizz after braiding with braid tool. Counsels to combat it always help, but few can help us at all since nature often does theirs to make home remedies ineffective and only with appropriate hairdressing products can we get it. Take note of our recommendations and put together with your essential anti-frizz:

Shampoo and conditioner
Everything starts with a proper cleaning and rinsing of the hair. Nowadays, all hairdressing firms have specific products for the different problems of each type of hair, but none offers everything that can bring health condition to our hair after cutting with hair cutting scissors.

We love the hairdressing products, especially their serums because they are wonderful, but in this case not any good because we need something specific. The K serum will give you that final touch of shine and repair that your frizzy mane needs.

Some fixing
To make our fashionable hairstyles last longer in your site we do not have to resort to any type of fixation. There are specific lacquers to prevent frizz and keep moisture at bay, such as the Bed Head spoil me lacquer of Tigi hairdressing products. The result will be smoother and more manageable hair, try it!

Capillary mask
The problem with curly hair is that you will always need extra help, so deep hydration is imperative. With the mask, you will notice much better. Inside, its compound is responsible for nourishing and coating the hair fiber. While on the outside the AR polymer wraps the fiber with a long-lasting moisture film. Apply it a couple of times a week and you will notice how in a short time your mane is totally disciplined.

All in 1

Lately, we have been talking a lot about the powers of natural cosmetics, especially the benefits of coconut oil and everything it can do for our hair. Well, a product that includes coconut oil among its components is Revlon's Uniq One ​​Coco serum, which promises to restore shine, control frizz and protect hair from heat, among other things.



If there is a decisive moment when makeup correctly is one in which you choose the tone compact powder that you will use daily. It sounds simple, but the truth is a whole science to understand that we will have to consult an expert makeup. The first thing to know is that there are different skin tones and also pigmentation. For example, in Latin America the pigmentation of the skin turns to the colors: pink and yellow, while in other countries the trend is white pigmentation with colorful makeup brushes.

These powders that you apply by using professional makeup can be loose or compact and are used instead of base, or whether they help the skin look better. Because they are minerals not clog pores and can be used by people with skin that tend to acne. As they are mostly minerals contain some ingredients that irritate the skin so they are recommended for sensitive skin and for people who like nature.

These powders are easy to apply and can be used to set the makeup. They can be used on all skin types. Care must be taken if there are wrinkles, because it can make them more visible.

They have the same function of loose powders, but tend to have a little more coverage. If powders are used instead base this presentation it is the most used.

These powders can be loose or compact and are used to attract light to the skin and thus look more radiant and vigorous. These powders are generally transparent and unnoticeable. Powders are widely used in professional makeup.


The main function of these powders is to put sunscreen on the skin. They come in colors for different skin tones or translucent that you will all skin types. They are very useful because they allow sunscreen reapplied makeup but since you have.


How Does Stethoscope Work

What is a stethoscope?
A stethoscope is a medical device to listen to sounds within the human body. At one end has a diaphragm, a vibrating membrane designed to capture sounds. The diaphragm is connected to a hollow tube filled with air. The tube is divided into two and ends at the headset using the doctor. The stethoscope can be placed on the patient's chest to listen to your breathing or heart rate, or the underbelly to hear the intestines as personal care.

The doctor holds medical stethoscope on the patient's body, usually to listen to the breathing or heart rate. When the heart beats or lungs fill with air, small sound vibrations occur throughout the body. Stethoscope picks up these vibrations and amplifies the diaphragm. The sound passes through the tube, and then transferred him to headphones doctor. There are also electric stethoscopes, using a type of microphone to capture and amplify sound. However, because these may lose or distort parts of the sound, most doctors use the acoustic version.

Stethoscopes are often used to listen to heart. A healthy heart produces a double beat with little or no noise. These are the sounds of the heart valves that close. With a stethoscope, a doctor can detect a breath: a whistling sound after the heartbeat sometimes can indicate serious heart problems. The exact sound of the blow can give the doctor signals about what is causing it. A stethoscope is also used to detect problems with the lungs. The doctor makes the patient can breathe deeply and hear strange sounds. Also hit the patient's chest near the stethoscope and hear the sound. A healthy lung sounds empty, while not one filled with fluid. A stethoscope can help the doctor detect lung problems such as asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis.


Beautiful Pedicure That You Should Know About in 2016

Solid color coating is easy and convenient option for those who have no time to go to salons. To make up the nails can be a solid color of fluorescent nail polish in the home, and it will not be old-fashioned. Same color on the hands and nails - the classic version. In 2016, fashion dictates a slightly different rule: the nails on the hands and feet can be of different colors. At the same time for a pedicure is better to choose a bright and vibrant colors.

Pedicure with rhinestones is an option for the spring-summer season. Such beauty, made by using nail polish pens, is not necessary to hide under a closed shoe. This pedicure requires accuracy, all the stones and crystals must look impeccable.

French pedicure - classic that never goes out of fashion. This design looks appropriate in all situations and on all forms of nail. This year, you can safely experiment and make a French pedicure is not combined "white-beige", and with different bright colors - mint, blue, black. You would need wholesale nail art supplies before applying this nail art design.

The latest trend in the world of fashion is a style pedicure «nude». The nails are painted in soft pastel colors. Pedicure must be very careful in this case, should not be evident shortcomings feet or skin.

Fashionable and paint nails in colors contrasting colors. These options are perfect for young girls.

Lunar Pedicure - Pedicure with an arch at the nail root. Runs as a colorless embodiment, color and contrast. You can also select the arch stones

You can make a rainbow pedicure. It looks very positive.

In fashion pedicure with all sorts of drawings and rhinestones. This pedicure will emphasize your individuality and good taste.

Glitter decoration - lots of small shiny particles. Glitter may be used as the entire area of ​​the nail plate as well as for individual sites. Combined with glitter French manicure.


Beauty Tips That Are Surely Helpful

Many times we spend money on beauty products hoping to produce almost miraculous results. The excellent allies to our care in nature itself, in products such as lemon, sugar, aloe vera or avocado. To know them is certainly a great help that will give good results in those basic needs of every woman, you'll love tips to know.

1. Keep your eye lotion in the fridge if you want that are not swollen. And there is magnetic eye massage to help.
2. Mix a little peppermint oil on your lip gloss, this will make it look more voluptuous.
3. If you are one of the girls who like makeup but want to look natural ... you must fill in your eyebrows, so you win a big change.
4. Use a white eyeliner to make your eyes look tired not.
5. Paint your outline can be as simple as a number 3.
6. The toilet covers is an excellent and inexpensive anti-glare and grease remover. Cut into small pieces and keep it handy.
7. With the help of a cotton swab and concealer covers small imperfections.
8. To your tab mask work perfectly, dale temperature with the heat of your body before use.
9. Remove the makeup of your eyes with coconut oil.
10. To spread your cover dark circles makes a sort of triangle rather than apply it in small circles, this will make your eyes do not look tired.
11. If you want your mascara last longer, add a few drops of contact lens solution.
12. Cure your feet while you sleep.
13. Clean the imperfections of nail polish with a small brush dipped in acetone eye.
14. To enlarge your white eyeliner look and applied uses one black shrink it.
15. To paint your lips with lipstick liner last, apply translucent powder on a paper napkin.
16. Add a little cornstarch to your transparent enamel fingernail, this will give a matte finish.
17. Order annoying hairs remaining after make a bun with an old toothbrush and hairspray.
18. If you want to fix your hair all day, spritz your forks with some lacquer before wear them.
19. Rinse your hair with cold water to make it look brighter
20.- For your hair dry faster way, do it with a cotton shirt instead of a towel.