
How to Deal with Cracked Hands and Feet

This unpleasant phenomenon as very dry skin of hands, can lie in wait for a woman of any age, at any time of the year. The hand cream could help you with that in most of the cases. What are the basic premises that the skin becomes dehydrated, sagging, lost tone, crack, why there are sores between the toes and on the palms?

Precipitating factors is divided into external feedback which can be neutralized at home without much effort, and internal factors when violations are of deep processes of the body. External factors can be summarized as follows:

• frequent contact with a rigid chlorinated water;
• exposure to aggressive components of household chemicals;
• inadequate fluid intake, unbalanced diet;
• vitamin deficiency;
• winter cold, ultraviolet radiation.

Domestic same reasons, the hidden eye, sometimes it is possible to establish a doctor-specialist to fix them as possible in compliance with all recommendations of the treating doctor. The situation is aggravated by the dry skin of the hands when the cracks begin to appear between the toes, on the palms, bringing pain. And you need hand foot care. This is a sure sign of diseases such as:

• dermatitis;
• eczema;
• psoriasis;
• thyroid problems.

So when cracks appeared between the fingers, acquire a permanent nature, bleed, cause itching, it is best to immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous here, and totally ineffective. But the vitamins of groups A, B, E, limit contact with water, the simplest recipes to eliminate dryness greatly facilitate the state, partially neutralized excite her cause.

