
8 Beauty Gestures to Proscribe in Summer

Sun, heat, sand, wind ... Summer, skin, and hair are put to the test. You must then adapt your beauty routine to the season. Find out what are the things you should forget in the sun, not to put your skin at risk or risk the faux-pas make-up.

1.Makeup without sunscreen
Before you start the makeup step, do not skip the application of sunscreen. Regardless of your skin type, whether it is light or golden, the sun's UV is harmful to the skin. Better protect yourself before going out, but also during the day. Put your protection in your bag, because you will have to give it back every two hours.

 eyelash perm kit

2.To perfume before exposing oneself to the sun
Fragrance and sun are rarely compatible in summer. Indeed, some perfumes may contain photosensitive molecules, such as alcohol. Result: spots may appear on your skin. Be careful, use a fragrance that says you can wear it in the sun, or spray it on the hem of your clothes, or behind the ear.

3.Shave without shaving cream
Unstoppable logic: summer, it's hot so we sweat more. And what is particularly painful when you sweat? Micro-cuts. We do not shave without first applying a cream to avoid small sores, whether on the legs, armpits or jersey. The worst is the armpits: we would like to have a quick razor before going out except that it could burn very hard, either because of perspiration or because of the deodorant.

4.Spread out the self-tanner in a hurry
The zebra effect, very little for us. When spreading your self - tanner, take care to do it evenly, to avoid the appearance of demarcations. Bet on self-tanning spray: thanks to their wide distribution the distribution of the product is more homogeneous. Be especially careful with the application on the neckline and neck to avoid the orange trace under the jaw.

5. Neglecting lip care
Lip balm is not only useful for ski holidays. Summer too, it must be applied. Indeed, the sun, the sea, the sand represent external aggressions which can dry the skin and make it peel. So before going to bed or putting on your lipstick, consider moisturizing them.

6. Let the sea wash her hair
Who has not dreamed of having a surfer's hair, slightly faded by the sun, with a super trendy wavy effect? Admittedly, it's trendy, but it's not by multiplying sea baths without washing your hair at night that you get that sexy effect. So do not forget to rinse your hair under the beach showers or at home before feeding them intensely to avoid the straw effect.

7. Wear makeup as in winter
During the year, we have our daily habits, like applying her favorite lipstick, a touch of mascara and, why not a line of eyeliner and lifting eyelashes with a  eyelash perm kit. Except that in summer, you do not wear makeup in the same way as in winter. In general, we must also respect the seasons of makeup. Avoid too flashy colors when you are tanned. Choose nude and discreet makeup, or no makeup at all when you're at the beach. So leave in the drawers your burgundy lipstick, pink or blue blushes, glitter and apricot blush. And if you still put foundation, avoid choosing it iridescent. Opt for a darker tone, it will save you from

8.Zapper hydration
In summer, we sweat a lot more. The water contained in the epidermis evaporates more quickly and the dehydrated skin becomes fragile. It is therefore essential to moisturize it intensively and regularly, whether by drinking water throughout the day as well as applying a day cream on waking and its version night at bedtime.

