
Correct the Bad Posture

Imagine a confident, strong person in front of you,. What kind of position is that person? Undoubtedly, the person in front of you stands with an open heart and a head up. It is a person who looks ready to take on the world. As you look and feel is directly related to your posture. Despite the importance of good posture, most of us do nothing to improve it. We go about our life with bent back and unbalanced hips, and live with the pain because we think it is normal. Living with a bad posture can be a dangerous thing. The tourmaline magnetic belt will be quite useful for protecting your waist.

But we'll fix that right now! By understanding the correct posture, you can learn about their postural deviations and corrective exercises to determine what works best to improve its lineup. With proper alignment and good posture, your lifts will be stronger, muscles work more efficiently, help prevent pain and injury, and you'll look and feel much better. To ease the pain, you could have the lumbar spine correction belt, which could generate the heat to make you feel much better.

Foam Roll
The first step is corrective exercise foam rolling and / or stretching of tense muscles. To foam roll hamstrings, sit with the foam roller under the hamstring, applying as much pressure as you can handle. Hold each point of pain until the pain (approximately 30 seconds). For buttocks: Sit on the top of the roll, with an ankle resting on the opposite knee, lean raised leg, looking for tight spaces. After rolling foam, hamstrings and gluteal muscles are stretched to allow the muscles to return to their normal lengths.

To keep the pelvis investment back to back tilt of the pelvis, some strength is required. Corrective exercises should include those that require hamstrings, glutes, and quads to work synergistically rather than allow the hamstring and gluteal domain to continue. An example is the lunge. Lunges are especially good because they break the work into two separate stages, allowing even greater focus on the correct muscle group. It also tends to be a bit of attention to the weakened quadriceps and hip flexors. To make a lunge, take a long step, either with the leg forward. Keep your weight evenly distributed and reduce their weight until both knees are bent at 90 degrees, then return to starting position. Repeat the same number of repetitions with each leg.

Super Hero
The back muscles also need to be strengthened since they are also part of the weakness that allows the posterior pelvic tilt to be a problem. Any exercise that involves extension of the spine will help strengthen the muscles of the lower back. One of the simplest and most effective is the superhero: Lie face down on the floor with arms outstretched in front of you. Slowly lift your arms and legs off the floor at the same time (as a superhero in flight). Lower and repeat for the desired repetitions.

