
How Does Pulse Oximeter Work

In this news article we will talk about how pulse oximeter works as personal care so that you know that benefits of using it. The pulse oximeter, which is used to evaluate the oxygen in the blood of patients in a variety of clinical settings, has become an increasingly common piece of monitoring equipment. It provides continuous monitoring, noninvasive oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in arterial blood. Their results are updated with each pulse wave.

The OLED pulse oximeter monitor does not provide information about the concentration of hemoglobin, the heartbeat, the efficiency of oxygen delivery to tissues, oxygen consumption, adequacy of oxygenation or adequacy of ventilation. They do, however, offer an opportunity for saturation levels are immediately seen as a warning to physicians to help prevent the consequences of desaturation and hypoxemia detect before it causes cyanosis.

It has been suggested that the increased use of pulse oximeters in general wards could be to become as common as the thermometer. However, it has limited education and limited device performance understanding of how it works and what factors can affect readings.

Oxygen from the air you breathe using lungs. Oxygen passes into the blood, where most of the oxygen binds to hemoglobin (a protein located inside the blood cell) for transport in the bloodstream. The oxygenated blood circulates through the tissues.

The pulse oximeter technology uses the light absorption characteristics of hemoglobin and the pulsatile nature of blood flow in the arteries to assist in determining the oxygenation status in the body. First, there is a color difference between the arterial hemoglobin saturated with oxygen, which is bright red, and venous hemoglobin oxygen, which is darker.

Second, with each pulse or heartbeat there is a slight increase in the volume of blood flowing through the arteries. Due to increased blood volume, however small, there is an associated increase in hemoglobin rich in oxygen. This represents the maximum amount of oxygen-rich hemoglobin pulsating through the blood vessels. 


Correct the Bad Posture

Imagine a confident, strong person in front of you,. What kind of position is that person? Undoubtedly, the person in front of you stands with an open heart and a head up. It is a person who looks ready to take on the world. As you look and feel is directly related to your posture. Despite the importance of good posture, most of us do nothing to improve it. We go about our life with bent back and unbalanced hips, and live with the pain because we think it is normal. Living with a bad posture can be a dangerous thing. The tourmaline magnetic belt will be quite useful for protecting your waist.

But we'll fix that right now! By understanding the correct posture, you can learn about their postural deviations and corrective exercises to determine what works best to improve its lineup. With proper alignment and good posture, your lifts will be stronger, muscles work more efficiently, help prevent pain and injury, and you'll look and feel much better. To ease the pain, you could have the lumbar spine correction belt, which could generate the heat to make you feel much better.

Foam Roll
The first step is corrective exercise foam rolling and / or stretching of tense muscles. To foam roll hamstrings, sit with the foam roller under the hamstring, applying as much pressure as you can handle. Hold each point of pain until the pain (approximately 30 seconds). For buttocks: Sit on the top of the roll, with an ankle resting on the opposite knee, lean raised leg, looking for tight spaces. After rolling foam, hamstrings and gluteal muscles are stretched to allow the muscles to return to their normal lengths.

To keep the pelvis investment back to back tilt of the pelvis, some strength is required. Corrective exercises should include those that require hamstrings, glutes, and quads to work synergistically rather than allow the hamstring and gluteal domain to continue. An example is the lunge. Lunges are especially good because they break the work into two separate stages, allowing even greater focus on the correct muscle group. It also tends to be a bit of attention to the weakened quadriceps and hip flexors. To make a lunge, take a long step, either with the leg forward. Keep your weight evenly distributed and reduce their weight until both knees are bent at 90 degrees, then return to starting position. Repeat the same number of repetitions with each leg.

Super Hero
The back muscles also need to be strengthened since they are also part of the weakness that allows the posterior pelvic tilt to be a problem. Any exercise that involves extension of the spine will help strengthen the muscles of the lower back. One of the simplest and most effective is the superhero: Lie face down on the floor with arms outstretched in front of you. Slowly lift your arms and legs off the floor at the same time (as a superhero in flight). Lower and repeat for the desired repetitions.


Eye Makeup for Beauties

We know that the look is one of the most powerful attractions. Beautiful eyes make the way to conquering much easier, but also in the case of girls can make them stand out even more with a good makeup. But many women do not know where to start, what kind of shades to choose or how to make it look bigger. So in this post, how eye makeup giving you some secrets to show up.

Many times to make up our eyes, especially when using dark shadows as when making the famous Smokey Eyes with liquid eye-liner pencil, as the product noticed just smearing other parts of the face such as the area around the eyes, or our nose. To prevent these accidents classic ruin the rest of the makeup of our face, it is best to apply some loose powder, this will cause the shadow will not stick to the skin avoiding soil us.

Always apply a little foundation on your eyelids before making up your eyes. This simple step will make the shadow last longer adhere better to the skin. It is one of the tricks used by makeup artists.

Whenever you apply the eyeliner on the eyelid, do it as close to the lashes as possible, this will give you the feeling that they are more abundant. Then it is recommended to blend the liner with a shade of the same color to give a more professional effect.

Forget the liquid eyeliner if you have a steady hand or experience using it, otherwise the end result will be disastrous. It is best to use a good quality eyeliner pencil, to slide well through the skin and help you get the effect you want.

To make the eyes pop with long leather eyelashes and look bigger, a great trick is to use a white eyeliner on the inside rim of the eye, this small step will brighten your look while increasing the feeling of larger eyes.


Hair Extension at Home

Many people wonder how to increase hair at home. It is understandable, because hair extensions are a popular procedure, expensive, requires cost and materials, and periodic adjustments. And to have thick long hair all I want! However, and cold and hot hair extensions with your own hands is difficult — you will need the help of another person. The process is time-consuming and unsafe, requires accuracy.

In beauty salons, they use different techniques of hair extensions, and they do have professional tools and devices. At home, most of the methods cannot be reproduced, most often used the easiest way — belt. It is considered to be the most gentle way also. No hair extensions are attached to their hair without hair extension gun or the special tapes. Adhesive composition, according to the manufacturers, should be absolutely safe.

And here, as elsewhere, there are contraindications. First of all, this is a strong hair loss. After all, under the weight of artificial strands will only intensify. Should not be and scalp problems — seborrhea, skin diseases and allergies. Be sure to perform a scratch test. Hair extensions are contraindicated while taking antibiotics and chemotherapy. But I bet that the Brazilian real human hair extension would be better than the artificial one.

In addition, you need to choose the color of strands of hair used, so they are not conspicuous. Strands need to buy in specialty stores, ensuring their quality and a reliable origin. You need to prepare and own hair. Their length should not be less than 10 centimeters. You need to freshen up the hair and cutting split ends. Hair needs to be washed, but do not use balms or masks. 


Here Comes the Electric Straightening Brush

Oh, I find it quite frustrated to get up with the messy hair, especially my hair is pretty long, and I always leave little time to styling my hair. So, it is a great big headache for me. Honestly, I have tried the electric hair flat iron, but I felt that one is too hot for grooming healthy hair. And I bet that most of you might also be scared to hurt yourself as using that electric flat iron as hair tools. However, recently, I got the electric hair straightener, which I bought out of the recommendation from my friend.

Take a look at this CUTIECLUB electric comb brush, you will find out that it just look like a comb, a chunky comb, which is far away different from the typical straightener. So I combed my hair without preheating it at first, and it is a little bit more comfortable to use this one than the common brush I have. I couldn’t wait to have a try on this new hair styling tool after reading the introduction. In my point of view, it’s kind of easy to get used to this electric straightener, even without the introduction.

I found that there is a water tank, and I filled it with plain water. As I pushed the button and turned it on, the comb became hotter and hotter, and I felt it achieves its highest temperature for about 2 minutes, which is longer than it said. And then I tried the “+” button, but the temperature changed so slightly that I can barely feel it. After everything was ready, I pressed the round button on the top, and there was steam from the spray nozzle. And then what I did is to brush my hair and make it smooth. It did surprise with its efficiency and incredible function.

I have to admit that it has become the integrate part of my daily life in the morning, since it saves me a whole bunch time of styling my hair in the morning. I love this one, and I wish you would find your enjoyment with this amazing hair styling product.


Moisturize Skin in Natural Ways

If you want to have smooth skin to the touch and with a young and fresh face, you need to moisturize every day and spend a little time to care. Otherwise, you run the risk of drying out and also premature wrinkles and spots appear scales. It is not strictly mandatory use commercial products, like best face lotion, for this, as there are natural products and simple techniques that will help to revitalize your skin from the inside. And you could use the skin moisture tester pen to see if those methods work well.

Drink 8 Glasses of Water per Day
Moisturize the skin on the outside is not successful if previously not keep well hydrated from the inside. The key to beautiful and youthful skin is to drink plenty of water throughout the day, namely a minimum of 7 or 8 glasses.

Herbal Teas
Another way to moisturize the skin naturally and from within is by consuming some herbal teas like green tea, chamomile, rosemary or lavender or white tea. All accounts with excellent properties to maintain healthy skin, give you more vitality and moisturize from the deeper layers to the most superficial.

Moisturize the Skin with Aloe
The plant aloe or aloe vera contains a gel inside, which is a real gem for beauty, especially to moisturize the skin, regenerate it, clean it and combat skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema and irritations.

Carrot Juice
Besides being a very healthy food for the body, the carrot is amazing to look more hydrated skin but especially to keep younger longer. It has a high content of beta-carotene and antioxidants that help slow the signs of aging and protect the dermis against the aggressive action of UV rays.

Yogurt for Facial Mask

It's perfect for all skin types, including those who suffer from acne or excess fat because it reduces sebum production and prevents the formation of impurities. You only have to mix both natural products and extend the mask over good clean face, leave on for 10 or 15 minutes.


Tips of Using Urinal Bag

These bags collect urine. The bag, like the male pee holder bag, will be attached to a catheter (tube) that is within the bladder. You may need a tube (catheter) and a drain bag because they have urinary incontinence (leakage), urinary retention (not being able to urinate), surgery that necessitated the placement of a probe, or other health problem.

So where to put the urinal bag from the medicine storage box? You take the bag attached to the leg all day and can be freely mobilize with it on. The can hide under the skirt, dress or pants. These bags come in all sizes and styles. At night, you need to use a bag bed with a higher capacity. Glue the leg bag to the thigh with Velcro or elastic straps. Check that the bag is always lower than the bladder, which will prevent urine from flowing back into the bladder.

Always empty your bag in a clean bathroom. DO NOT let the bag or openings of the probe touch any of the surfaces in the bathroom (the toilet, wall, floor and others). Empty the pouch in the toilet at least two or three times per day, or when a third to half full. Follow these steps to empty the bag:

Wash your hands thoroughly.
Keep the bag below the hip or bladder as empty.
Hold the bag over the toilet or special container that gave the doctor.
Open the peak bottom of the bag and empty it into the toilet or container.
DO NOT let the bag touch the rim of the toilet or container.
Wipe tip with rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball or gauze.
Shut up tightly.
DO NOT put the bag on the floor. Hold it back to the leg.
Wash your hands again. 


Apply Eye Shadow Properly

Clarified that the main part of the exterior, which is in the process of communication your partner draws the attention of most often, are eyes. They attract the eye, even when a person considers someone's portrait. First the viewer tries to examine the eyes that are depicted in the portrait, and then returns to them more than once. Women, knowing this, use the glitter eye shadow powder to correct the shape of the eyes, increase them and make the look more expressive.

1. To achieve the effect that you need to properly apply eye shadow or eyeshadow sticker using tips from stylists, and given that liquid, cream and dry shadows ordinary have not only a different texture, but different properties. Those who are only beginning to comprehend the secrets of beauty and makeup, I advise you to use traditional dry shadows, they are considered easier to use.

2. Before applying makeup, you must cleanse the skin is to wash and wipe the face tonic or lotion. Sit so that your lighting is intense and uniform. Prepare the mirror and the brush, which you will apply the shadow. If no custom brushes, use, use the applicators that are nested in boxes with shadows or sold separately.

3. Apply a small amount of Foundation-Foundation on the eyelids. Spread evenly in a thin layer, no different from the General tone of the facial skin. Lightly powder the eyelids so the base does not roll down and not accumulate in the folds of the eyelid skin. As the basis for the entire area from the lash line on the upper eyelid up to the brow bone can be a wide brush to apply a thin layer of light shadows flesh color.

4. This will visually divide the area into several parts: the circuit along the eye line, lower eyelid, under the eyebrow and the eyelid at the outer corner of the eye. You can use any colors, but the General principle is: the light, almost flesh tone is applied to the area under the eyebrow, on the eyelid tone is applied to the average intensity, the contour is outlined with eyeliner or a special pencil, the darker tone is applied to the eyelid. Naturally, all the transitions of shadows must be carefully shaded using the applicator.

5. On the field adjacent to the outer corner of the eye, apply shade darker than that shade the inner corner of the eye. The lower eyelid is enough to emphasize a contour pencil along the lash line and apply on the outer corner of the thin strip of shadow, feather it.


Find the Perfect Glasses

Having a beautiful sight, we take it for granted. As a result, many of us don't pay attention to points until they become a necessity. Suddenly we are faced with an overwhelming amount of rims to choose from. Vision in itself is one of the key functions in the body, giving of our personality. And the glasses must be quite important, so does its shape. So what should you pay attention to while choosing the glasses on Styrofoam head stand?

When it comes to restore this functionality, we have the opportunity to reflect their identity through the size, shape and color of our glasses. But how do you understand what suits you the best? It is believed that when choosing glasses, one should consider the under eye color and skin tone, the size of the rim. Whether it is the shape of your face, style, how it complements your lifestyle, occupation.

Black frame universal for all shades of eyes. And yet, select the color in which you feel comfortable. Further, the shape selection may be a difficult decision. There are at least seven face shapes: square, oval, oblong, round, triangular, tear-shaped (diamond) and heart-shaped. People with square face shape suit round and oval frames, like the retro round reading glasses. Avoid geometric and square shaped glasses. Those who have oval face are square to the rim. The oblong faces should not to choose wide eyeglasses, which further lengthen it. Round faces are ideal rectangular shape. The face in the shape of teardrop is look really good in glasses without frames at all, or at the rim in the style of "cat". Who face heart shaped need round the rim, while the square will add width to lower face.


Beautify Your Neckline

With age and obesity, a body area affected is often the chin and jaw. While you can get a cosmetic surgery to reassert, there are also facial exercises to help harden and improve the overall look and tone of your face. The beautiful neckline could make you look better with the rhinestone star necklace. Read on to see if this option is right for you.

A Little Slap
Of all things, rapping under the jaw with the back side of your hand can do wonders to reassert it. Just do this as fast as you can take it at least 30 times a day, it is an excellent exercise. If you don’t love this method, the neckline chin slim massager could make your chin look better somehow.

Improves Overall Health
One of the most basic ways to improve the appearance of your jaw is to lose weight all over your body. Yahoo answers as recommended weight loss generally will help to tighten your jaw, like other areas of your body. So, take proper diet and get some exercise are two ways to make your jaw look better.

A facial exercise and improvements
Exercise not only helps to tighten your jaw and your facial muscles, also promotes improvements to the physical structure of your face. As summarized in completewellbeing.com, when you exercise your facial muscles, you encourage the growth of new cells and they are stronger and healthier. Your facial muscles, tendons and ligaments are like any other muscle in your body, you have to exercise to be strong, firm and strong. The other benefits of facial exercises are stimulating blood flow, which improves the tone and color of skin, improved collagen in your face elasticity softens the face and jaw and skin tightening.


Keep Your Skin Moisturized

Do you have dry skin? You do not know what to do to take that alligator? Here's how to moisturize the skin and give you tips to have a skin without drying, with our tips you'll get a smooth and beautiful skin forever.

The first step to having a hydrated skin starts in the shower, bar soaps cause dryness, even those who claim cream among its ingredients. The best shower gels for your skin are those which contain almonds, shea butter or witch hazel are the most recommended. Use only shower gel with neutral pH, so you will not damage your skin. During the bath, shower gel applied with a sponge or long handled loofah. Be careful that you shouldn’t have a shower with water from the LED water tap that is too hot, it damages your skin and sensitizes.

The next step for a moisturized skin without drying is the daily application of a body cream. Apply a cream with shea butter if you have an extra dry skin, witch hazel if your skin is sensitive, oatmeal in cold weather, agave if your skin is normal to dry and almond for dry skin. The amount that should apply is the equivalent of half a lemon, arms apply it with long, straight and upward movements; legs applying cream with long, straight and downward movements.

The third step to have a moist and free skin dryness is exfoliation of the skin, this will need to be done once every fortnight if your skin is sensitive or one to two times a week if your skin does not have this type of problem. Exfoliates the skin while showering, after applying the shower gel, never exfoliates dry skin, you could damage it. The amount of exfoliating you should use is equivalent to the size of two strawberries. Apply the scrub in a circular massage. Rinse thoroughly. After exfoliation you can apply body cream, you must do this on a dry skin.

We also recommend that you drink plenty of water, especially in hot seasons. Remember that your skin reflects what happens inside your body, so try to feed a healthy way to look beautiful and moisturized, free skin dryness.


Needling Skin Roller to Make You Look Younger

This beauty tool is called needling skin roller, which has become very popular in beauty sites and forums, as this needling skin roller could remove acne scars, wrinkles, blemishes and even cellulite. But does it really work quite well? I have to stress that the needling skin roller, one of those beauty accessories, is a technique of minimally invasive facial rejuvenation that could help you to get rid of scars, stretch marks, blemishes and skin wrinkles.

The anti-aging needling skin roller consists of micro needles, which is made of medical stainless steel, so the micro needling roller is safe to use. And the micro needles could stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. There are needles of various diameters. According to the purpose of using this skin roller, you could choose the 0.5 mm to use for anti-aging as wrinkles, and you could also choose the one with needles in 1.0 mm diameters for getting rid of the scars and stretch marks.

The most important thing you should pay attention to before using the needling skin roller is hygiene. It is essential to disinfect your roller well before and after use, so that it could be much safer for you to use the needling roller. As to disinfect the needling roller, you should first pouring boiling water over it and then spray the alcohol. Also make sure that the treatment area and your hands are as clean and dry as the roller. As long as you pull off the disinfection, you could apply the needling roller on your face gently with light pressure (ideally about 10 times per side).

After using the needling roller for a month to stimulate collagen and elastin of the skin, I do find out that my skin has become better in quality. Although I couldn’t make sure the needling roller could help me to get rid of all the scars and wrinkles, after 5 sessions I do have good results in my skin. And I bet you would love to have a try on this amazing beauty tool.


Trendy Nail Art Design

Ombre style: This is a gradient tone within the same color, from the darkest shade to the lightest
Style Glass Window: The combination of geometry and color makes us remember much the old windows. By applying a touch of glitter or the round shaped acrylic nails, you get a look as glam.
Back to School: College nail style is back in fashion, and fingernails with some of the teenagers and fun creations, like the 3D flower tattoo, are also wonderful.
Metal Nails: For special moments we can find two different colors creations faced with another metallic color, and either in silver or gold. A more elegant and chic style that will show off your nails with a very glamorous style.

Tips for the polish last longer
Clean your nails well before make them up so that it adheres to the best of the nail.
If you feel your nails something spoiled by the use of cleaning products that affect the natural PH of your skin, such as soaps kitchen, dust, etc., apply a moisturizer on your hands minutes before using the enamel.
Often nails have a smooth surface and therefore to apply the glaze can create unaesthetic reliefs, in the market there are files to polish and shine to the surface of the nails. After that apply a thin base layer of polish before placing the color layer, besides making the polish last longer, avoid nails turn yellow if you use nail dark colors and also protect her nails, preventing them splitting.
One of the reasons why the enamel jumps easily, is because it is not applied correctly, because the way is the root to tip making vertical movements. You can apply a second coat of enamel but when the first is completely dry or at least has been a while.
Often the enamel over time or have closed wrong, and this tends to dry the enamel will not slide smoothly on nails and hinder the application. In the market there products indicated to dissolve the enamel called enamel solvents, which with a few drops of product, make the glaze back to normal and can apply as usual.