
5 Decorations to Make With a Dotting Tool

The dotting tool gives a different dimension to your nails! No more faded polish, it's time to make real works of art with these essential nail art tools.

The dotting tool is a nail art trend that attracts more and more admirers. With this little magic instrument, you can make all kinds of patterns on your nails and say goodbye to the banal coat of lacquered nail polish. For that, it is not the drawings and the possibilities that are missing! Many tutorials have emerged on the web, bloggers and beauty consultants in videos share their ideas of creation. We've got five ideas for using these nail art tools for you!

A fairly simple pattern that is easy to achieve with the nail art tools: single or double lines. Start by choosing the nail polish you want to serve as a base. Apply on your nails and wait until it is dry.

For the rest, it depends on your taste: you can make a simple line that will require only one other color or a double line with two different colors of preference. All in agreement with your base, all the same, it is prettier! Two techniques are available to you from here: you can either just make your points in a straight line by dipping your dotting tool in the nail polish one time and make your successive points, which will give more and more peas. small; either you dip it at each point and they will, therefore, all the same size.

Golden Rule, always chooses two colors that go well together. For this achievement, you can have a totally retro look by choosing black or red for the base and white for peas. But the choice obviously comes back to you! Apply your base to start and let it dry. Then dip your dotting tool in the second polish to make peas everywhere, but keeping a good regularity. Do not forget to soak your accessory in the nail polish every time to have uniform pea sizes!

This is the moment to make you happy and opt for an original and colorful achievement! So choose several colors, between four and eight depending on your preferences and especially, depending on your clothes. For the summer, it is fun and we do not hesitate to use colors a little flashy. As with all achievements, you need a base that you apply on your nails. Once the first layer dries, cover your nails as and when soaking your dotting tool in a different color each time. Do not forget to clean your accessory between each pea.

Same technique as for other nail art, apply a base on which you can make your peas, but bigger this time and always on a regular basis. What changes here is that the tone on tone allows a nice effect. For example, prefer a matte base on which you will make polka dots with a shiny nail polish. The rendering will be glamorous and really beautiful!

Those who are well versed and who are used to it will be able to embark on a more elaborate style. The decoration will be a little more complicated, but when we want we can! It will be necessary above all a good dose of creativity and patience. Again, put a base on your nails on which you can then create patterns yourself with peas. You can, for example, draw a flower by bringing the peas to the maximum while leaving the right space. It's up to you to make real works of art!


Caring and Carving His Beard Are Easy!

The hyper trend in recent years, the beard attracts many men. But it is not enough to let it grow so that it is a beautiful beard, it is also necessary to know well to carve it and maintain it. Follow the guide…

1.The Baba size
a. Bring a pair of scissors to even out the surface of your beard.
b. For a short beard, paint in the direction of the hair. For a long beard, it will be outward.
c. Then cut the stubborn hairs with the Surker electric shaver, those who "rebel" or go over. This step is carried out dry.
d. Warning: always keep the blades of your scissors parallel to the beard, otherwise beware of the irreparable hole in the mass!

Every day to be well
It is to be well reimbursed for my health expenses when I retire.

2.The art of brushing
Use a brush rather than a comb to minimize the effects of static electricity.
Choose it preferably in wood or horn, and with natural wild boar bristles. More rigid than synthetic, they have an advantage, during the disentangling, they also eliminate the dead skin of the epidermis.

3.Pamper her
Opt for a specific shampoo, less stripping, and more respectful of this sensitive area.
Use it only 2 to 3 times a week not to eliminate all sebum.

4.Sublimate it
It is best to use a specialized product for the beard because its hairs are thicker and thicker than those of the body.

- For maximum shine, put on the shaving oil, which will soften and discipline the hair, whether short or long.
A small gesture for you, but a lot of sweetness and more for the companions.

- On a short beard, apply oil as a moisturizer daily.
Take the time to massage to penetrate the product to the skin. This will prevent the risk of itching and the accumulation of dead skin on the face.

- On a longer beard, opt for a balm, whose moisturizing action is superior to that of oil. Its dense texture helps to control rebellious hairs.

- To easily carve thick beards, the wax will be your best ally.


The Contouring of the Lips to Pump Your Mouth

Having Kylie Jenner's lips makes her dream. And the good news is that to achieve this result of luscious mouth, no need to go through the box "surgery". To have luscious lips, just make a contouring of the lips. Because no, the contouring is not limited to the face. So to discover without delay all our tips to plump up your lips with contouring techniques!

We know that the mouth is a weapon of massive seduction. But sometimes, Mother Nature does not spoil us. The result we are left with thin lips that do not make the effect "wow" as expected by women.

Fortunately, no need to go under a knife to have the luscious lips of Kylie Jenner! Some good mouth contouring techniques and hop, voila.

Because yes, contouring is not just a makeup technique to refine facial features. Directed on the mouth, the contouring of the lips allows to give them volume simply by cheating with makeup.

Contouring of the lips: step 1
If you have thin lips, the idea is to bring volume to the mouth. Apply an illuminator over the entire outline of your mouth with a little more emphasis on the cupid's bow but also on the middle outline of the lower lip.

Tap your finger lightly to blur everything. To you the nude mouth, almost invisible!

The lip pencil: step 2 of the contouring
Wear a nude tinted lip pencil or the color closest to your natural lips. Trace the outline by starting a little higher than your lips to give the desired shape to your mouth, namely: bigger lips.

Highlight cupid's bow, but beware: it's pointless to exaggerate. You might give a vulgarized effect to your mouth.

Then, use this same nude lip contour pencil to "bridge" between the line you have made and the true contour of your lips so that no demarcation is visible.

Contouring the lips: step 3
Now use a lip pencil of the same shade as the lipstick you are going to apply.

Draw the outline over the nude line you previously made. Then apply the lipstick with a brush for an ultra-precise rendering.

Note that if you want to have luscious lips, it's best to choose a glossy, iridescent or pearly grape that will catch the light and boost your mouth makeup.

If, after all, you are a fan of bold colors, then apply a lip gloss of the same color to your cheap lipstick in the middle of the upper and lower lip.

This will give the illusion of luscious lips to perfection!


How to Make up Sunken Eyes?

We do not all have the same form of eyes and this one, to a great extent, defines the tips and techniques we follow to make up our makeup daily. There are beauty products to avoid and others, on the contrary, to use to maximize the beauty of our eyes. In this article, we will focus on women with depressed eyes, giving them a series of very useful tips that will allow them to enlarge and change their shape considerably. Take notes and learn how to make up sunken eyes!

Steps to follow:
1.A very characteristic sign of sunken eyes is that the eyelid is usually a little darker than the rest of the facial skin. That's why the first step to make up will be to apply your foundation on the entire face but also on the eyelids, so your complexion will be unified and the end result will be much more beautiful.

2.It is very likely if you have this form of eyes, that dark circles are also more visible and that you have a lot of trouble getting rid of them. To hide them, nothing better than applying a concealer in a tone brighter than your skin.

3.The most important step in making up sunken eyes and visibly enhancing them is to make a good application of eyeshadows. First of all, you have to choose light or neutral colors like nude, beige, pale pink, etc., and with a little shine to give a point of light. You only need to apply the light eyeshadow over the entire eyelid just below the eyebrow and near the tear, area to brighten the look. Then take an eyeshadow a little darker and apply it just in the crease of the eye, so you will give more depth and your eyelid will be slightly raised.

4.Black and dark pencils are not good allies for sunken eyes because they make them even smaller. We advise you to avoid them or use instead of pencils in other lighter tones like brown, green or gray. A wonderful option to enlarge the look and almost imperceptibly is using an invisible eyeliner or tightening. You know? This is to draw the upper waterline, as you see in the picture, filling the gaps between the eyelashes. Use a waterproof eyeliner to make the effect more durable.

5.Similarly, it is not recommended to draw the lower waterline with a black pencil which, in addition, hardens the features of the face. In contrast, with the makeup for sunken eyes, the white pencil for the eyes has the main role, which you can apply on the inner part of the eye to get a much more open and bright look.

6.The mascara is an ideal discounted high end makeup to enlarge the eyes and visibly correct the shape of sunken eyes. It is best not to exaggerate in its application and apply only a light coat on the upper lashes, applying the brush always from the root of the eyelashes to the outside. Beforehand, use an eyelash curler if you want them to be extra bent and dazzling.

7.With all these tips for makeup sunken eyes, you will be more emphasis and above all, you will have a much larger, bright and attractive.


How to Make a Cracked Manicure?

The crackle effect is a very simple technique that involves applying a layer of cracked paint on a surface. This painting is cracked forming cracks that reveal what is underneath. The final appearance is that of a bark. The crackle effect is a technique of manual work and begins to be used to beautify the nails. A cracked manicure is very simple to realize because there are several brands that sell crackle varnishes, called " crackle " in English. You'll find them at Sephora, Essence, BYS ...The different colors and finishes will allow you to combine them into infinity. Take the plunge, your nails will be beautiful.

You will need:
 Nail polish of the color of your choice
 Cracked nail polish of the color of your choice

Steps to follow:
1.To start, do yourself a traditional manicure with your nail art tools: file on your nails, remove the cuticles ...

2.Apply a normal nail polish first, a layer will be sufficient. You can even apply multiple colors (half the nail of one color, the other half with a different color) ... Play your imagination.

3.Once the traditional varnish is dry, apply the cracked varnish and leave the effect time to appear (3 to 5 minutes depending on the varnish). You will see that, little by little, the varnish is cracking.

4.Finally, apply a Top Coat with the finish you want to give to your nails (transparent, pearly, shiny, glittery, etc.). Your cracked manicure will be stronger and last longer.

If you want to get a more intense effect, choose a nail polish and a crackle in fairly contrasting colors. If, on the contrary, you want a more subtle finish, choose a nail polish and a crackle in similar shades or use the crackle alone.


7 Beauty Tips to Make With Mascara

Few of us know it, but mascara is not just for makeup and lashes. Discover without further delay all the other ways to use it, on hair, eyelids or lips!

To camouflage your white hair
Apply your mascara to the hairline, by small touches, then wait until it dries perfectly. A tip to realize occasionally between two appointments at the hairdresser.

To make a line of eyeliner
Take some material on the brush of your mascara, using a fine brush or beveled. Then draw your line of a liner as usual.

To sublimate your eyebrows
Wipe the excess off the brush of your mascara on a handkerchief then delicately make up your eyebrows by making small jerks. Focus more on the inner corner and the tip of the eyebrow to sculpt your eyes. If you have brown or brown hair, opt for a black mascara. If you are blond or red, head for a brown shade instead.

To make a colorful tie & dye
Apply a touch of blue, pink or green mascara to the tips of your hair and let the product dry.

To plump up your lips
Put a touch of brown mascara on Cupid's bow then blend the material with your finger. This creates a shadow that, by optical effect, makes your mouth pulpier.

To make a smoky eyes
Take some mascara with a small brush and then pat the material on your hand to warm the pigments. Then apply it flush with upper lashes and on the eyelid before attaching it with FOCALLURE Eye Shadow.

To define the outline of your eyes
With the help of a precision brush, put some mascara in the lower and upper lashes. Blend the material with this same brush to create a smoky effect. You get a more intense result than with a kohl pencil.


5 Romantic Nail Art Ideas

Your nails make you see all the colors. Real asset seduction, do not hesitate to bet on the romantic nail art to be beautiful to the tips of the nails.

For Valentine's Day, a wedding or just because you're in love, why not opt for a romantic nail art? Good alternative to the classic nail polish, it will offer you a manicure 100% seduction!

If you're dreamy and want to fall in love with it or find the prince charming, to prepare for the big day, the nail art ring has it all. On previously colored nails, draw a line in the middle of the nail with a silver or gold varnish, appearing the ring and just drop a point or draw a white star to represent the diamond. A very discreet drawing, but who will dress your nail. You can also opt for simpler nail art stickers to apply.

When talking about romance and love, it's hard not to think about hearts; these simple and effective reasons. No matter the color, provided you have the shape: a stencil cut by you will be enough for a charming result. You can draw it in whole or in half, on the tip of the nail or on the side, many combinations are allowed. For Valentine's Day, opt for a bright red and come to form a heart with a pale pink varnish. Romanticism assured.

In a sexier spirit, you will find the corset. Start by laying the base varnish. You can then make a French V symmetrical thanks to tape or a more straight. At the liner, make the contours of the V or straight lines. With your dotting tool, make 3 black dots on each side and then 3 smaller white dots on the inside. Finally, trace the laces to the liner. You can also draw this pattern on the entire nail, embellish it with red and black: a black base, two red bands on the sides of the nail, golden dots and the black lace that will cross the red and you will be transported to a cabaret, so glamorous!

For the bucolic dimension. The simplest method: we draw five points of color that form a circle and a lighter point in the center that we just stretch to the first points. The rendering is spectacular! The colors mix as if by magic and come to draw a pretty flower. For the most perfectionist, you can add the rod that will finish your artwork.