
6 Things You Should Know Before Getting Your First Tattoo

1. Try not to copy other designs.
When you're looking for the ideal tattoo for you, try to do a little research, so you'll know how common it is for people, and how many people in social networks in industry magazines already have it.
professional tattoo machine gun

According to Ben Lankin, owner of studios in the UK, "Although it is understandable that you admire the designs that other people have, if you come to a studio and ask for an exact copy of what someone else has, it can be seen as shameless to imitate the work of another tattoo artist Inspire yourself in designs and facts, but use your imagination and incorporate something of your own personality when you explain to the artist the direction you want to give your tattoo.

2. Do not get carried away by fashion.
Once your tattoo is done, removing it can be an expensive, long and very painful process. The laser is not easy, and there is no guarantee yet that it will eliminate all the tattoos, due to the different existing techniques, inks, and size of the pieces.
professional tattoo machine gun

It is not that you think about how you will look at 80, what we advise you is to think more about the present and how your tattoo might affect different areas of your life, such as work (do you think that in your field having tattoos can have an impact on your potential employers?)
The decision to have a tattoo made with the professional tattoo machine gun or not is 100% yours, but many people get carried away by the enthusiasm of the moment, without thinking about consequences.

3. Find the right artist for your tattoo:
It is very common to think that any licensed tattooist can draw any style of tattoo, but in case you did not know, many artists specialize in different areas of tattoo design, so make sure you find one that has a job similar to what You are looking for your first piece. Make sure you know the full name of the artist, who works in a known place, with high standards of hygiene, where the tattoo needles and disposable latex gloves are used only once.

 disposable latex gloves

4. Try not to go to hot places 6-8 weeks after tattooing:
Although it can be an obvious tip, we must mention it since being in the middle of summer and with holidays on the doorstep, it is possible that you forget the effect of the sun and the UV rays on your tattoo.
Do not make an appointment with a tattoo artist to make a tattoo with the tattoo gun kit if you have a trip near a hot city for the next 6-8 weeks. The sun can be very harmful to your tattoo and can discolor the work as well as increase the risk of infection in your skin.

 tattoo gun kit

5. Feed your body properly:
The morning of the day you will make the jump it is vital that you feed yourself well and that you have your high sugar levels before sitting with the tattoo artist, especially if you are going to be in the studio for a long time.
For Ben, the ideal breakfast for someone preparing for their first tattoo consists of protein, along with some whole-grain toast or bagel, accompanied by a Greek yogurt, honey, and fruits. You have to be full for the day that is coming.


Custom Reading Glasses and Other Recommendations

Most people need the aid of reading glasses by the age of 45. This attributes the diminishing ability of the eyes to properly adjust and change focus so thy they can see various objects in varied distances. As people age, the lens tends to change, making it difficult for one to see objects within close ranges as they tend to appear blurry. To correct this, one has to opt for the best available glasses. Today, there are many options: custom reading glasses, neck-hanging reading glasses, intelligent reading glasses, among others.

Made-to-order reading glasses are some of the best in the market. These types of glasses are only made by order depending on the eye correction needed for the perfect focus. Every individual has a unique need that most prescription glasses may not perfectly correct. You might have special visual challenges on either of the eyes. The innovative custom lens will not only help correct the eye problem but save you money in the long run. Other than the lens, you can also choose frames from an assortment of available options. There is no eye complication that doesn't have a remedy. Just ensure that you consult a competent optician.

Intelligent Reading Glasses
The lenses of intelligent reading glasses, also known as the "smart glasses" are designed to automatically change depending on your vision. The precision with which this is done makes it unnecessary to use bifocals and normal reading glasses. Typical prescription glasses cannot entirely correct accommodation problems of the eyes since they are designed to simply shift the focus range as opposed to expanding the same. The lenses of these glasses contain glycerin and fitted in frames that contain a distance meter used to measure the distance between the lenses and the nearest object. Through a signal, the lenses' curve is adjusted enabling proper and clear focus. It only takes approximately 14 milliseconds for the lenses to shift focus from one object to another.

The beauty of these types of glasses is that they are not easily misplaced. If you are a busy individual, you are assured of having them securely around your neck when not in use. Their stylish design, plastic frame, and adjustable spring hinges guarantee comfort; you might even forget you have them around your neck. This great innovation will not save you time, but will also guarantee you convenience for a very long time.

Reading glasses offer more than health and beauty values by protecting your eyes. With most professionals spending hours of their time behind computer screens that alone can affect eyes. Glasses are affordable, compared to other eye correction and treatments such as surgery. You don't have to suffer from some complications to invest in a pair; consult your optician and get a pair of neck-hanging glasses, intelligent glasses or custom reading glasses today.


How To Treat Alopecia?

Alopecia produces partial or total hair loss, generating anguish, depression and low self-esteem in those who suffer from it. There are many causes of alopecia, but the genetic factor and hormonal problems are the most common. Fortunately, with the development of science, there are more and more professional hair products and tools to control this pathology that affects men more than women. Find out in this article how to treat  

Steps to follow:
1.Before starting to treat alopecia, you need to determine if the hair loss you are suffering can be considered alopecia. Every day it is normal for a person to lose at least 100 hairs, if you consider that your amount of fallen hair is higher than this, then you may be suffering from alopecia. One way to know is to check if you often leave too much hair in the shower, on the brush, on the pillow, and on the clothes.

2.The first thing you should do to treat alopecia is to consult your doctor. Only a specialist can determine what is the true cause that is causing the alopecia and offer solutions to address that specific problem that, by controlling it, will allow you to stop losing hair.

3. An alternative well known for its great effect in treating alopecia is steroid injections which can function like the hair regrowth essential oil. This treatment involves injecting substances into the affected area of the scalp that stimulate the production of new hair. They are usually only used in small areas and their application is usually very painful.

4.There are many ointments such as Hair Regrowth Essential Oil and Hair Growth Essence Liquid that offer to dissipate the clearings of baldness and treat alopecia. However, you should verify that the cream you choose contains clobetasol, a chemical that stimulates hair growth but does not paralyze alopecia. Its use is not recommended for more than two weeks since its side effects can dry the skin excessively.

5.One of the most used compounds in personal care products to treat alopecia is minoxidil, ideal for its effect to stimulate cellular activity and, therefore, produce new hair. Although it does not represent a cure for alopecia, it is one of the most effective treatments for its consequence. Some people have tried creams with this compound and have not found results.

6.Try hair care products that can deal with hair loss. But there are many hair care products that can deal with hair loss so you should choose it seriously. Try to choose some products made of natural ingredients.

7. One of the most common causes of alopecia is stress. Controlling stress will allow you to cure alopecia. Consider meditation and sports as ideal tools to overcome stress and control alopecia. In the meanwhile, you can help grow hair faster by using health products such as hair growth essence oil.

Guide To Buy Manicure and Pedicure Set

Considerations to take into account when buying a set of manicures and pedicures
Speed: If you understand something about these sets, you will know how important speed is when we want to buy a "manicure and pedicure kit". You should choose a model with a minimum speed of 3800 u / minute, and a maximum of 4600 u / minute. Now, if we are looking for something more specific, with a somewhat higher speed, we will have to make a more meticulous search throughout the market.

We should also weigh the speeds of the professional nail tools and pedicure tools kit in question. In this way, depending on the effect to achieve, we can regulate the speed of the way we want.

Available accessories: In some beauty articles, accessories are secondary; that is, they do not matter too much. However, in a manicure and foot care kit the number of accessories is key. Therefore, before choosing a model in question, it will be crucial that we analyze the effect we want to achieve with the set; in the technical sheet of each of these sets we can find out if they have what we are looking for, or if we should choose a pack of manicures and pedicures that are much better.

Food: Another factor to consider when buying the pedicure tools kit is how to charge it .On the one hand, we have those models that work wirelessly, being a good option because they will help us to get a very interesting freedom, without having the problem of facing cables with which we may have some other problem of the accident. However, wireless manicure and pedicure tools kit can run out of battery at any time, so we'll have to make sure they're fully charged. That is why it will be necessary to analyze the autonomy of the battery and the time it takes to charge.

Dimensions: We recommend that you choose 4 in 1 pedicure kit that is ergonomic; that is, that suits you so you can use it without complicating your life. You should choose some adjusted dimensions so that it can adapt to all kinds of space conditions (for example, if you want to carry it in your bag to use with some friends, or with a client). You should also choose a model that has a set weight so that it can be used easily.

Material: On the other hand, we should choose 4 in 1 pedicure kit that has been manufactured with materials of the highest quality on the market, with fully recognized brands. Choose a pedicure set that has a good solid structure, so it will hold up perfectly over time.

Price: On the other hand, we also have to weigh the price factor of and pedicure tools kit and nail tools. A good advice is to establish a base budget input and analyze which one fits him. There are very economic foot care products and hand car products, although you have to be careful to avoid sacrificing much quality. In general, the greater number of accessories, the higher the price, so you will have to weigh exactly what you are looking for before making the right decision.


5 Tricks to Have Straight and Shiny Hair

The straight hair has something special. We do not know what it generates in women, but ALL die for it.

That's why we want to help you take care of it and highlight all its natural brilliance with these little tips. Sometimes we go crazy trying to find a magic solution but it can be much simpler than we think.

Do not miss these 5 tricks to have straight and shiny hair. Take care of your hair so that it looks much smoother and healthier with these tips. Do you add up?

1. Cold water to finish
Before leaving the shower, close the hot tap and rinse the hair with cold water only. This touch will brighten your hair, so do it!

2. Use a shampoo with keratin
Your hair has keratin naturally, and what these products do is reinforce it. A shampoo with keratin closes the cuticles, thus achieving a healthier hair. Do the test and you will notice the difference.

3. Home smoothing
This trick looks like a cooking recipe, but it's not! Make a mixture of 1 egg in two large cups of milk. I submerged all the hair and left it 10 minutes. When finished I covered your head with a plastic cap and let it rest for 30 minutes. To finish use the shampoo that you usually use (we recommend that it be a shampoo for straight hair with keratin) and ready. It will give you a unique shine. Do you love it?

4. Do not bind it!
Many times we go out hurried home with wet hair and the first thing we do is tie our hair. Serious error! If you want a straight hair let it dry loose so that there are no marks.

5. Do not dry it up
A very common mistake we make when it comes to drying our hair is to use the dryer from the bottom up, DO NOT do it. That will only add volume to the hair and will not make it look as you want. My advice is that after washing your hair, you should wear a towel hat to dry its water and then dry it with a towel, let it dry naturally.

If you are one of those who die for having a straight and shiny hair , start by implementing some of these tips. You will see the results!

How to Close the Open Pores of the Face?

Beautiful and attractive skin is the product of many factors: the genetic, our food, the hydration and the care that we can offer to the external level. But not only is it to protect us against the sun or to use cosmetic creams that keep it in good condition but also to carry out periodic cleaning and take care to keep it in good condition. Here we give you step by step one of the most basic care for your face, discover how to close the open pores of the face so that it looks perfect.

Steps to follow:
1. Every day our complexion faces pollution, dust, high temperatures and the fat that our own skin produces. All these factors cause the impurities to accumulate in our pores obstructing them making them open so it is so important to clean our face periodically.

2. In principle you must maintain a daily cleaning routine washing your face deeply and always removing the makeup, because going to bed with dirty face will only make your pores open faster, in addition to favoring premature aging. A daily cleaning routine with hands may be not enough so my suggestion is that if allowed financially, you can wash your face with an ultrasonic facial machine once a week, which can help you clean your face further.

3.Use special cleansing lotions and cleansers for your skin type , particularly if it is greasy because you will have a greater tendency to accumulate impurities in your pores. Always read the labels before purchasing any cosmetics, and if you are not clear about the best ingredients for you, it is best to consult a dermatologist to give you a list of recommended products according to your complexion.

4. In addition to daily care, every 15 days you can apply a cleaning mask with a deeper effect. In the market there are several options that allow you to eliminate accumulated impurities and exfoliate your skin, also eliminating dead cells and making it look softer and more beautiful. You can also choose to make a homemade mask .

5. You can make a good 100% homemade and effective exfoliant with natural yogurt and granulated oats, apply it on your face rubbing gently and then leave it for a few minutes. Then apply a toner and your moisturizer and you'll have perfect skin in minutes. But if this idea does not convince you and you want to experiment with other options, we invite you to consult our article how to make exfoliating homemade for the face. And there are many kinds of pore remover masks available for you so you can use pore remover mask once a week.

6. To remove the pores on your face, cleaning work is not enough. Keep moisture is very important for us. So every three day we should do a moisture mask, which can help us to shrink our pores. Masks containing moisture material like snail nutrition are good for you.

It does not take too specialized care to keep our skin beautiful, just need to give some attention
Remember that the key to fight against premature aging lies in the daily care we give to our complexion

How to Reduce Large Pores in the Nose?

Large pores are unsightly and can be a breeding ground for bacteria to accumulate. Because larger pores are more difficult to clean, dirt and bacteria can enter the openings and germinate, producing acne and blackheads. The nose, in particular, has a tendency to develop larger pores, but there are steps you can take to reduce them.

1. Clean your pores completely in order to reduce their size. So cleaning your nose by applying a blackheads mask once a week is necessary for you because they may have already accumulated debris, and you have to eliminate them before moving on. Extractions and cleaning are better when done by a professional, so schedule a skin cleansing, if possible. 

2. Use a pore-reducing facial cleanser if you can not get a professional facial. Pay special attention to the nose, moving round the fingers to wash the area as closely as possible. 

3. Open the pores to do an initial cleaning. Put a large pot of water in the kitchen and let it boil. Once it boils, turn off the heat and put it on a stable table. Lean over the pot with your face 6 inches above the water, and put a towel over the back of your head to catch the steam coming out of the pot. Let the steam flow over your face, being careful not to get too close to avoid burns. Do it for five minutes.

4. Try to remove accumulation of debris in the pores immediately after the steam treatment, covering your fingers with a tissue or plastic gloves and placing a finger on each side of the covered pores and pressing gently. Use the tissue to remove all debris. Continue until you have eliminated everything possible.

5. Wash your face again using a pore-reducing cleaner. Pay special attention to the nose, washing it carefully. Rinse with lukewarm water. Dry the face completely and then apply a facial mask reducing pores. Make sure your hands and fingers are clean before applying the mask.

6. Allow the mask to dry completely, then remove it with warm water and a towel, and then wash again with the pore-reducing cleaner. Follow with a rinse with warm water, and then a trickle of cold water to close the pores and and then use a cooling face mask, to a certain degree, can help you close the pores.

7. Apply a toner, paying special attention to the nose, using a cotton swab. A pore reducer or a toner for acne is the best thing to reduce the pores in the nose.



Learn to cut your hair at home. Many times it happens that we go to the hairdresser and we go out wishing not to have entered. Every time we hesitate more between going to the hairdresser or that we cut the hair to a familiar or a friend without much experience. Sometimes it is not only about knowing how to cut hair, but also tells a lot of hairdresser-client communication. The other option is if you do not trust that no one will cut it, is to do it yourself, and for that I will teach you to cut your hair without leaving home, with your own hands and without anyone helping you!Learn to cut your hair at home-long hair

The first rule is that you can not be afraid to cut your hair to yourself. Surely many have already taken a pair of scissors to cut some strands that you did not like, or the girls to make you bangs and more things.

If you see that you are not very sure, what you can do is go cut it little by little. Do it progressively until you get the result you want. And you can also practise it with a male mannequin head with hair head with hair

Haircut for women:
Cut in layers: wet your hair and with a comb make a very well combed pigtail and stretched right in the center, at the top of the head. Comb the pigtail hair forward and cut a little bit less than you would want, then retouch it and leave it perfect. If you want the top layers to be shorter in front of and behind, the ponytail should be made more by pulling towards the crown.

Bob haircut: so that your hair is short from behind and longer in front, wet it and make a pigtail on the back of the head and cut a little less than you would want, just in case and to do the touch-ups You want until you are satisfied with your new hairstyle. 

Haircut for men:Learn to cut your hair in house-
Short hair: You will need a hair trimmer with adjustments of different lengths and scissors. Wet your hair to make it easier to cut and clean. For a traditional cut the top should be a little longer than on the sides and the back. Choose the length you want to have and start cutting two fingers higher than the ear, around the head, reaching the other ear moving the razor straight and up to cut the hair. Then starting from the forehead cut out the top of the head. Then place the shortest length on the manual hair clippers and start with the bottom from the pins, moving the razor upward. Cut until it starts long. At the back of the head, start at the neck and look up. Now we will use the scissors to blur the two lengths of hair, do it all around the head until the two sections are combined and there is no difference. Use a hand mirror in front of a larger mirror to see from behind.


Beauty Products That Every Woman Must Have

To get a fresh and cute face you do not need a whole team of experts coming out of the closet at 7 in the morning. Today we leave you a list of the beauty products that every woman should have.

A vibrant and daring lipstick gives you that color pop that needs the face and there is no other product that gets the same effect.

Tip: Apply the color with the ring finger, thus leaving a mark of color that will prolong the presence of the product. Then you can use a balm over a very similar color. This will give you hydration, color, and longer lip length.

This basic makeup gives your skin a very subtle and special shine.
 Tip: Choose a pearl colored liquid illuminator if your skin is clear. If your skin is more olive or brown, then look for a peach illuminator with subtle shimmer. Place it on the cheekbones and the septum of the nose for a natural look.

This golden powder helps you imitate the tanning of vacations, especially when you apply it on the cheeks.
Tip: Do not overdo it. Apply little good makeup for cheap in the perimeter of the face and on the apples of the cheeks.

Black eyeliner
Just like the LBD ( Little Black Dress ), the black eyeliner is a basic. It manages to define your eyes and creates the illusion of more abundant lashes.
Tip: To prevent the eyeliner from looking all muddy, line the eyes just above the eyelashes and do not make the wide line. This will give the illusion of thick eyelashes because the eyeliner is almost not to be seen.

The product of cheap quality makeup that will help you hide the irritations and dark circles.
Tip: For dark circles use a creamy formula corrector that is able to illuminate. To cover imperfections opts for a corrector with matt finish and long lasting.

Another basic and one of my favorites, because it is able to open the look and makes you look alive and awake in a few seconds.
Tip: After applying two coats, look down and apply mascara on the top of the lashes. This little trick will make them look thicker and darker.

Palette of shades
A case with several colors that favor your face is enough, but remember that you can make combinations of tones.
Tip: I recommend that you choose a palette with neutral tones (copper, bronze, taupe) for the day. For the night look for a palette of gem colors (emerald, plum or sapphire).

First with FPS
The first has become the practical layer of good quality cheap makeup. No matter what you put on it, it will look amazing on your skin and your face will look imperfect, smooth and young.
Tip: Look for a formula that has a minimum FPS of 30, so you will not have to worry about using a blocker and you will have two steps in one.